unit U_RTFun; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ToolWin, StdCtrls, BtnEdit, cxStyles, cxCustomData, cxGraphics, cxFilter, cxData, cxDataStorage, cxEdit, DBGrids, DB, cxDBData, cxGridLevel, cxClasses, cxControls, cxGridCustomView, ADODB, StrUtils, Midas, cxGridCustomTableView, cxGridTableView, cxGridDBTableView, cxTimeEdit, cxTreeView, cxGrid, cxDBLookupComboBox, cxCalendar, cxCurrencyEdit, cxGridExportLink, ExtCtrls, Buttons, DBClient, RTComboBox, cxDropDownEdit, cxGridBandedTableView, cxGridDBBandedTableView, cxRichEdit, cxButtonEdit, IniFiles, WinSock, IdHTTP, dxcore, cxTextEdit, FireDAC.Comp.Client, cxCheckBox, Vcl.Clipbrd, cxMemo, dxLayoutControl,uSZHN_JSON, System.JSON; type TA = class(TComponent) public S: string; end; // 调用DLL文件 procedure InitDllEvt(FromFile: string; FormID: Integer; Para: string; FormType: Integer; Title: string; Def1: string; Def2: string; Def3: string; Def4: string; Def5: string; Def6: string; Def7: string; Def8: string; Def9: string; Def10: string); // 取主键 function GetLSNo(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; var mMaxNo: string; mFlag: string; mTable: string; mlen: Integer; mtype: Integer = 0): Boolean; procedure GetFileInfo(mFile: string; var mfileSize: integer; var CreationTime: tdatetime; var WriteTime: tdatetime); function SGetServerDate(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery): TdateTime; // 取服务器日期 function SGetServerDateTime(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery): TdateTime; // 取服务器日期时间 {四舍五入取指定位小数} function RoundFloat(f: double; i: Integer): double; { 将字符串中的半角替换成全角字符 }function FormatTitle(S: string): string; // **************** 拼接过滤条件 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {拼接查询条件}function SGetFilters(TMPanel: TPanel; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; {拼接查询条件Hint}function SGetHintFilters(TMPanel: TPanel; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; {拼接查询条件TclientDataSet}function SGetCDSFilters(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS1: TclientDataSet): string; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 拼接过滤条件 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 刷新 ADO CDS TV *****************// {执行过滤 }procedure SDofilter(ADOQry: TADOQuery; FilterStr: string); {创建CDS列名 }procedure SCreateCDS(SADOQry: TADOQuery; mClientDataset: TclientDataSet); {CDS赋值 }procedure SInitCDSData(fromADO: TADOQuery; toCDS: TclientDataSet); {终极刷新 }procedure InitCDSData(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; SqlStr, FilterStr, MarkStr: string); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 刷新 ADO CDS TV *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 控件赋值 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 给RadioGroup1赋值 procedure SInitRadioGroupBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; rg: TRadioGroup; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); // 给TComboBox赋值 procedure SInitComBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; cb: TComboBox; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); // 给TcxGriddbColumn中的TComboBox赋值 procedure SInitTcxComBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; cb: TcxComboBox; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); // 给TcxGriddbColumn中的TComboBox赋值 procedure SInitCxGridComboBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; c3: TcxGriddbColumn; FSql: string; PState: Integer; IsNull: Boolean; Shmeg: string); // 给TcxGriddbColumn中的TComboBox赋值 V2 procedure SInitCxGridComboBoxBySqlV2(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FieldName: string; mSql: string); // 给TcxGridDBBandedColumn中的TComboBox赋值 procedure SInitCxBandGridComboBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; c3: TcxGridDBBandedColumn; FSql: string; PState: Integer; IsNull: Boolean; Shmeg: string); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 控件赋值 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** CDS快捷赋值 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 复制增行CDS procedure CopyAddRowCDS(CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); // TcxGridDBTableView复制增行。(groupformat标记值) procedure CopyAddRow(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); // TcxGridDBBandedTableView复制增行。(groupformat标记值) procedure CopyAddRowBand(Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); // 移动CDS内容 procedure MoveCDS(CDS_Left: TclientDataSet; CDS_Right: TclientDataSet); // 一键替换粘贴 TcxGridDBTableView procedure OneKeyPost(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); // 一键替换粘贴 TcxGridDBBandedTableView procedure OneKeyPostBand(Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** CDS快捷赋值 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 保存格式 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ReadCxGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); procedure ReadCxBandedGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); procedure WriteCxGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); procedure WriteCxBandedGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 保存格式 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 文件操作 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 读取文件 function ReadINIFileStr(ininame, TypeName: string; ValueName, ValueMR: string): string; // **************** 下载文件 *****************// function CovFileDate(Fd: _FileTime): TdateTime; procedure UpdateFileTime(fileName: string; CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime: TdateTime); procedure GetFileEditTime(mFile: string; var editTime: TdateTime); function ExportFtErpFile(mFileName: string; ADORead: TADOQuery): Boolean; // **************** 下载文件 *****************// // **************** 上传文件 *****************// function ExportToFtErp(mFileName: string; ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery): boolean; // **************** 上传文件 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **************** 文件操作 *****************// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// procedure TcxGridToExcel(mFileName: string; gridName: TcxGrid); // 导出界面 procedure ClearCDSColumn(CDS_1: TclientDataSet; Keys: TArray); // 清空CDS列 // **************** 界面初始化 *****************// // 初始化容器空间的内容 {清除搜索框 } procedure IsVisibleTV(TMPanel: TPanel; MTV: TcxGridDBTableView; Hintvalue: string; IsVisible: Boolean); {清除或隐藏搜索框 }procedure ClearOrHideControls(TMPanel: TPanel; HintValue: string; IsClear: Boolean; IsHide: Boolean); {将表格内容填入搜索框 }procedure AssignmentControls(TMPanel: TPanel; TMClientDataset: TclientDataSet; Hintvalue: string); {清空容器中控件的内容 }procedure SClearData(mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); procedure SCSHDataCDS(CDS_Main: TclientDataSet; mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); procedure SCSHData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); procedure SSetWinData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TWinControl); {界面初始化 }procedure FDCreateCDS(SADOQry: TFDConnection; mClientDataset: TclientDataSet); {界面数据保存T WinControl}procedure RTSetsavedata(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; MyTable: string; Myparent: TWinControl; MyTag: Integer); {界面数据保存 DBTable}function RTSetSaveDataCDS(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet; MyTable: string; MyTag: Integer): Boolean; {界面数据保存 BandedTable}function RTSetSaveDataCDSBand(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet; MyTable: string; MyTag: Integer): Boolean; // **************** 界面数据保存 *****************// procedure SelOKNo(CDS_MainSel: TclientDataSet; FSel: Boolean); // 全选/全弃 procedure SelOKNoFiler(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FSel: Boolean); // Tv1全选/全弃 function isCanDataDelete(mFillerId:string='';mfiller:string=''):boolean; function isCanDataEdit(mFillerId:string='';mfiller:string=''):boolean; //新过滤方法 function CommonFiltersByContainer(TMControl: TControl; JsonArgs: string): string; function CommonFiltersByTv(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; JsonArgs: string): string; function CommonGetSingleFilter(MyControl: TControl; EquTag, LikeTag, FieldTag: Integer; MFields: TStringList): string; procedure SelTVToCDS(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS1: TclientDataSet; KeyId: string); // 通过KeyId将Tv1选择映射到CDS1 function SelCDSKey(CDS_1: TclientDataSet; Keys: TArray): TArray; // 返回选择列key function SelTVKey(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; Keys: TArray): TArray; // Tv1返回选择列key procedure HiddenTVColumn(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FieldName: string); //隐藏TV列 procedure CopyTVFocusValue(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView); // 复制TV焦点内容 // **************** 访问网页 *****************// procedure GetHTTP(FUrl: string); function Utf8Encode(const WS: WideString): UTF8String; // **************** 访问网页 *****************// // **************** 师爷写的 *****************// function WriteCloseWin(AdoCmd: TADOQuery; mCaption: string; FormID: Integer; mDllName: string): Boolean; procedure selectDataRow(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; mKeyField: string); // 师爷写的Tv1印设cds procedure LSCSHData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TdxLayoutControl; FTag: Integer); procedure LRTSetsavedata(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; MyTable: string; Myparent: TdxLayoutControl; MyTag: Integer); function SLGetFilters(layoutControl: TdxLayoutControl; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; procedure InitAdoData(ADO1: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; SqlStr, FilterStr, MarkStr: string); {终极过滤 }procedure CDSDataFilter(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; JsonArgs: string); overload; {终极过滤 }procedure CDSDataFilter(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; JsonArgs: string); overload // **************** 师爷写的 *****************// type TMyF = function(App: TApplication; // 主应用程序 (对Delphi而言) FormH: HWND; // 创建窗口的父窗口句柄 (对PB而言) FormID: Integer; // 要调用dll中功能窗体的Id号; 如果只有一个功能窗口,FormID默认为0 Language: Integer; // 0=Delphi; 1=PB WinStyle: Integer; // 0=子窗口; 1:普通窗口 (PB中都为普通窗口) UID: PWideChar; // 用户Id UName: PWideChar; // 用户名 Para: PWideChar; Title: PWideChar; Defstr1: PWideChar; Defstr2: PWideChar; Defstr3: PWideChar; Defstr4: PWideChar; Defstr5: PWideChar; Defstr6: PWideChar; Defstr7: PWideChar; Defstr8: PWideChar; Defstr9: PWideChar; Defstr10: PWideChar; Datalink: PWideChar): HWND; stdcall; var TP: FARPROC; Tf: TMyF; implementation uses U_DataLink, U_globalVar; /// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// /************获取过滤条件***********///// /// ///////////////////////////////////////// function SLGetFilters(layoutControl: TdxLayoutControl; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; var i, j, k: Integer; fsj, fsj1: string; begin Result := ''; with layoutControl do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel or (Controls[i].Tag = 99) then continue; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) + '%') else if Controls[i].Tag = 99 then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2) + '%'); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 公用过滤函数 /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ExportToFtErp(mFileName: string; ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery): boolean; var fFileName, fpathFileName: string; Stream: TMemoryStream; mfileSize: integer; mCreationTime: TdateTime; mWriteTime: TdateTime; begin result := false; fFileName := ExtractFileName(Trim(mFileName)); fpathFileName := trim(mFileName); try // ADOQueryCmd.Connection.BeginTrans ; try with ADOQueryCmd do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('delete from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(trim(fFileName))); execsql; end; with ADOQueryCmd do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(trim(fFileName))); Open; ////////////////////////// //获取文件信息 GetFileInfo(fpathFileName, mfileSize, mCreationTime, mWriteTime); if RecordCount <= 0 then begin Append; fieldByName('FileName').AsString := fFileName; end else begin edit; end; fieldByName('FileEditDate').Value := mWriteTime; fieldByName('FileCreateDate').Value := mCreationTime; fieldByName('FileSize').Value := mfileSize; fieldByName('Filler').Value := Dname; fieldByName('LastEditer').Value := Dname; fieldByName('LastEditTime').Value := DServerDate; if pos('.rmf', fFileName) > 0 then begin fieldByName('FilePath').Value := 'report'; fieldByName('FileType').Value := '公用'; end else if pos('.dll', fFileName) > 0 then begin fieldByName('FilePath').Value := ''; fieldByName('FileType').Value := '一般'; end else begin fieldByName('FilePath').Value := ''; fieldByName('FileType').Value := '公用'; end; // FJStream.LoadFromFile(fpathFileName); // CompressionStream(FJStream); //tblobfield(FieldByName('Files')).LoadFromFile(FJStream); tblobfield(FieldByName('Files')).LoadFromFile(fpathFileName); //将OLE数据存入数据库 // ADOQueryCmdFileContent.LoadFromFile(fpathFileName); //ADOQueryCmdFileContent.LoadFromStream(Stream); post; end; finally // FJStream.free; end; result := true; // ADOQueryCmd.Connection.CommitTrans ; except // ADOQueryCmd.Connection.RollbackTrans ; application.MessageBox(pchar('提交文件[' + trim(fFileName) + ']失败!'), '提示信息', MB_ICONERROR); end; end; procedure IsVisibleTV(TMPanel: TPanel; MTV: TcxGridDBTableView; Hintvalue: string; IsVisible: Boolean); var i, j: integer; begin with TMPanel do begin for j := 0 to TMPanel.ControlCount - 1 do begin if TMPanel.Controls[j] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin with MTV do begin for i := 0 to MTV.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if UpperCase(Trim(TEdit(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Name)) = UpperCase(Trim(MTV.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName)) then begin MTV.Columns[i].Visible := IsVisible; MTV.Columns[i].Hidden := not IsVisible; Continue; end; end; end; end; end; if TMPanel.Controls[j] is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin with MTV do begin for i := 0 to MTV.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if UpperCase(Trim(TComboBox(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Name)) = UpperCase(Trim(MTV.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName)) then begin MTV.Columns[i].Visible := IsVisible; MTV.Columns[i].Hidden := not IsVisible; Continue; end; end; end; end; end; if TMPanel.Controls[j] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin with MTV do begin for i := 0 to MTV.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if UpperCase(Trim(TcxTextEdit(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Name)) = UpperCase(Trim(MTV.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName)) then begin MTV.Columns[i].Visible := IsVisible; MTV.Columns[i].Hidden := not IsVisible; Continue; end; end; end; end; end; if TMPanel.Controls[j] is TcxComboBox then begin if Trim(TcxComboBox(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin with MTV do begin for i := 0 to MTV.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if UpperCase(Trim(TcxComboBox(TMPanel.Controls[j]).Name)) = UpperCase(Trim(MTV.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName)) then begin MTV.Columns[i].Visible := IsVisible; MTV.Columns[i].Hidden := not IsVisible; Continue; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //将表格内容填入搜索框 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure AssignmentControls(TMPanel: TPanel; TMClientDataset: TclientDataSet; Hintvalue: string); var i: integer; begin with TMPanel do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(TMClientDataset.FieldByName(TEdit(Controls[i]).Name).AsString); end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(TMClientDataset.FieldByName(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Name).AsString); end; end; if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(TMClientDataset.FieldByName(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Name).AsString)); end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Hint) = Hintvalue then begin TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Properties.Items.IndexOf(Trim(TMClientDataset.FieldByName(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Name).AsString)); end; end; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //清除或者隐藏搜索框 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ClearOrHideControls(TMPanel: TPanel; HintValue: string; IsClear: Boolean; IsHide: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin with TMPanel do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TCheckBox then begin if TCheckBox(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TCheckBox(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; end; end; if Controls[i] is TLabel then begin if TLabel(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TLabel(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; end; end; if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TComboBox(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := -1; end; end; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = HintValue then begin TEdit(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end; end; if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = HintValue then begin TEdit(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxCheckBox then begin if TcxCheckBox(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TcxCheckBox(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TcxCheckBox(Controls[i]).Checked := False; end; end; if Controls[i] is TLabel then begin if TLabel(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TLabel(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Hint = HintValue then begin TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := -1; end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = HintValue then begin TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end; end; if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin if Trim(TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) = HintValue then begin TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Visible := IsHide; if IsClear then TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end; end; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //清除搜索框 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:初始化窗口数据 /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure SSetWinData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TWinControl); var i, idx: Integer; mfield: string; ma: TA; begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin if isEmpty then exit; with mParent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i].Tag >= 999 then continue; mfield := Controls[i].Name; /// //////////////////////// // EDIT if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin { if Trim(Controls[i].Hint)='数值' then continue else } if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin { if Trim(Controls[i].Hint)='数值' then continue else } if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end // ftcombobox else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if Controls[i].Tag = 99 then begin idx := TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else begin idx := TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).IndexOfItem2(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end; end // combobox else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.Count > 0 then begin // idx:=getCombIdx(TComboBox(Controls[i]),i,trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); idx := TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Tag = 1 then begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield + 'Name').AsString); end else begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield + 'Name').AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if isEmpty or fieldByName(mfield).IsNull then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked then TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Date := strToDate('1990-01-01'); end else TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Date := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxRichEdit then begin TcxRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin if not isEmpty and not fieldByName(mfield).IsNull then TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin if not isEmpty and (fieldByName(mfield).AsString <> '') then TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcheckBox then begin TcheckBox(Controls[i]).Checked := fieldByName(mfield).asBoolean; end; end; // end for end; // end with end; // end for with end; function ReadINIFileStr(ininame, TypeName: string; ValueName, ValueMR: string): string; var programIni: Tinifile; // 配置文件名 fileName, ValueZS: string; begin fileName := ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0)) + ininame; programIni := Tinifile.create(fileName); ValueZS := programIni.ReadString(TypeName, ValueName, ValueMR); Result := ValueZS; programIni.Free; end; function WriteCloseWin(AdoCmd: TADOQuery; mCaption: string; FormID: Integer; mDllName: string): Boolean; begin Result := false; try DServerDate := SGetServerDateTime(AdoCmd); with AdoCmd do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select *'); sql.Add('from SY_CloseFormInfo'); sql.Add('where UserId=' + quotedStr(DCode)); sql.Add('and formCaption=' + quotedStr(mCaption)); Open; if Recordcount > 0 then begin edit; end else begin append; fieldByName('UserId').Value := DCode; fieldByName('formCaption').Value := mCaption; fieldByName('formId').Value := FormID; fieldByName('dllfileName').Value := mDllName; end; fieldByName('filltime').Value := DServerDate; post; end; Result := true; except application.MessageBox('写关闭信息时发生错误!', '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure SCSHData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); var i, idx: Integer; mfield, mfieldCode: string; ma: TA; begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin if isEmpty then exit; with mParent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i].Tag <> FTag then continue; mfield := Controls[i].Name; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin idx := TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).IndexOfItem2(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TcxRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.Count > 0 then begin idx := TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Properties.Items.Count > 0 then begin idx := TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Properties.Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin TBtnEditA(TBtnEditA(Controls[i])).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)).AsString); end else begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin TBtnEditC(TBtnEditA(Controls[i])).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) = '' then begin TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked := false; end else TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is Tcxmemo then begin Tcxmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin if not isEmpty and not fieldByName(mfield).IsNull then TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).date := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin if not isEmpty and (fieldByName(mfield).AsString <> '') then TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcheckBox then begin TcheckBox(Controls[i]).Checked := fieldByName(mfield).asBoolean; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); // if TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).ParentShowHint = false then // begin // mfieldCode := Trim(Copy(mfield, 1, Length(mfield) - 4)); // TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(fieldByName(mfieldCode).AsString); // end; end; end; // end for end; // end with end; // end for with end; function Utf8Encode(const WS: WideString): UTF8String; var L: Integer; Temp: UTF8String; begin Result := ''; if WS = '' then exit; SetLength(Temp, Length(WS) * 3); // SetLength includes space for null terminator L := UnicodeToUtf8(PAnsiChar(Temp), Length(Temp) + 1, PWideChar(WS), Length(WS)); if L > 0 then SetLength(Temp, L - 1) else Temp := ''; Result := Temp; end; procedure GetFileInfo(mFile: string; var mfileSize: Integer; var CreationTime: TdateTime; var WriteTime: TdateTime); var vSearchRec: TSearchRec; begin FindFirst(mFile, faAnyFile, vSearchRec); mfileSize := vSearchRec.Size; CreationTime := CovFileDate(vSearchRec.FindData.ftCreationTime); // 创建时间 // vSearchRec.FindData.ftLastAccessTime//访问时间 WriteTime := CovFileDate(vSearchRec.FindData.ftLastWriteTime); // 修改时间 FindClose(vSearchRec); end; procedure GetFileEditTime(mFile: string; var editTime: TdateTime); var vSearchRec: TSearchRec; begin FindFirst(mFile, faAnyFile, vSearchRec); // mfileSize:=vSearchRec.Size; // CreationTime:=CovFileDate(vSearchRec.FindData.ftCreationTime);//创建时间 // vSearchRec.FindData.ftLastAccessTime//访问时间 editTime := CovFileDate(vSearchRec.FindData.ftLastWriteTime); // 修改时间 FindClose(vSearchRec); end; function CovFileDate(Fd: _FileTime): TdateTime; var Tct: _SystemTime; Temp: _FileTime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime(Fd, Temp); FileTimeToSystemTime(Temp, Tct); CovFileDate := SystemTimeToDateTime(Tct); end; procedure UpdateFileTime(fileName: string; CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime: TdateTime); var FileHnd: Integer; SysTime: TSystemTime; tTzi: TTimezoneInformation; FCreationTime, FLastAccessTime, FLastWriteTime: TFileTime; begin GetTimezoneInformation(tTzi); CreationTime := CreationTime + tTzi.Bias / 1440; DateTimeToSystemTime(CreationTime, SysTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(SysTime, FCreationTime); // LastAccessTime := LastAccessTime + Ttzi.Bias/1440; // DateTimeToSystemTime(LastAccessTime,SysTime); // SystemTimeToFileTime(SysTime,FLastAccessTime); LastWriteTime := LastWriteTime + tTzi.Bias / 1440; DateTimeToSystemTime(LastWriteTime, SysTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(SysTime, FLastWriteTime); try FileHnd := FileOpen(fileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone); SetFileTime(FileHnd, @FCreationTime, nil, @FLastWriteTime); finally FileClose(FileHnd); end; end; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:从服务器下载文件; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ExportFtErpFile(mFileName: string; ADORead: TADOQuery): Boolean; var Stream: TMemoryStream; ff: TADOBlobstream; mfileSize: Integer; mCreationTime: TdateTime; mWriteTime: TdateTime; IsFileHas: Boolean; mChildPath: string; mFilePath: string; begin try Result := false; mChildPath := ''; /// //////////////////////////////////////////// // 获取文件下载的子路径 with ADORead do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select FilePath '); sql.Add('from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(mFileName)); Open; if Recordcount > 0 then begin // if not fieldByName('valid').AsBoolean then exit; if Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) <> '' then mChildPath := Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) + '\'; end; end; // 如果产品存在 mFilePath := ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0)) + mChildPath; IsFileHas := FileExists(mFilePath + mFileName); if IsFileHas then begin /// /////////////////////// // 获取文件信息 GetFileInfo(mFilePath + mFileName, mfileSize, mCreationTime, mWriteTime); end; /// /////////////////////////////////////// // 存在文件 if IsFileHas then begin with ADORead do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select count(FileName) as cnt '); sql.Add('from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(mFileName)); // sql.Add('and fileEditDate>'''+formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm',mWriteTime)+''''); sql.Add(' and DATEDIFF(minute,' + quotedStr(formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm', mWriteTime)) + ',fileEditDate)>0'); Open; // 是否存在新的文件 if fieldByName('cnt').AsInteger > 0 then begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * '); sql.Add('from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(mFileName)); Open; ff := TADOBlobstream.create(fieldByName('Files') as TblobField, bmRead); end else begin exit; end; if Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) <> '' then mChildPath := Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) + '\'; end; end /// /////////////////////////////////// // 不存在 else begin with ADORead do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * '); sql.Add('from RT_FileUpdate'); sql.Add('where FileName=' + quotedStr(mFileName)); Open; if Recordcount > 0 then begin ff := TADOBlobstream.create(fieldByName('Files') as TblobField, bmRead); end else begin exit; end; if Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) <> '' then mChildPath := Trim(fieldByName('FilePath').AsString) + '\'; end; end; if ff <> nil then begin try mFileName := Trim(ADORead.fieldByName('FileName').AsString); if not DirectoryExists(ExtractFileDir(mFilePath + mFileName)) then ForceDirectories(ExtractFileDir(mFilePath + mFileName)); Stream := TMemoryStream.create; // OleContainer1.SaveToStream(Stream); // ADOQuery1FileContent.SaveToFile('tmp'); //数据存入临时文件 // OleContainer1.LoadFromFile('tmp'); //从临时文件中读取OLE对象 ff.SaveToStream(Stream); // OleContainer1.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0))+mfielName) Stream.SaveToFile(mFilePath + mFileName); // +'\tmpFile\' // OleContainer1.SaveToFile('tmp'); finally Stream.Free; end; end; UpdateFileTime(mFilePath + mFileName, ADORead.fieldByName('FileCreateDate').AsDateTime, ADORead.fieldByName('FileEditDate').AsDateTime, ADORead.fieldByName('FileEditDate').AsDateTime); Result := true; except application.MessageBox(PWideChar('读取文件' + mFileName + '失败!'), '提示信息', 0); end; end; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure GetHTTP(FUrl: string); var IdHTTP: TIdHTTP; ResponseStream: TStringStream; // 返回信息 ResponseStr: string; begin // 创建IDHTTP控件 IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.create(nil); IdHTTP.HTTPOptions := IdHTTP.HTTPOptions + [hoKeepOrigProtocol]; // TStringStream对象用于保存响应信息 ResponseStream := TStringStream.create(''); try try IdHTTP.Get(FUrl, ResponseStream); // 请求地址 except on e: Exception do begin ShowMessage(e.Message); end; end; // 获取网页返回的信息 ResponseStr := ResponseStream.DataString; // 网页中的存在中文时,需要进行UTF8解码 ResponseStr := UTF8Decode(ResponseStr); // ShowMessage(ResponseStr); finally IdHTTP.Free; ResponseStream.Free; end; end; function RoundFloat(f: double; i: Integer): double; var S: string; ef: Extended; begin if f = 0 then begin Result := 0; exit; end; S := '#.' + StringOfChar('0', i); if S = '#.' then S := '#'; ef := StrToFloat(FloatToStr(f)); // 防止浮点运算的误差 Result := StrToFloat(FormatFloat(S, ef)); end; procedure InitDllEvt(FromFile: string; FormID: Integer; Para: string; FormType: Integer; Title: string; Def1: string; Def2: string; Def3: string; Def4: string; Def5: string; Def6: string; Def7: string; Def8: string; Def9: string; Def10: string); var Th: HMODULE; begin Th := LoadLibrary(PWideChar(FromFile)); if Th > 0 then begin TP := GetProcAddress(Th, 'GetDllForm'); if TP <> nil then begin Tf := TMyF(TP); Tf(application, 0, FormID, 0, FormType, PWideChar(DCode), PWideChar(DName), PWideChar(Para), PWideChar(Title), PWideChar(Def1), PWideChar(Def2), PWideChar(Def3), PWideChar(Def4), PWideChar(Def5), PWideChar(Def6), PWideChar(Def7), PWideChar(Def8), PWideChar(Def9), PWideChar(Def10), PWideChar(DConString)); end; end else begin application.MessageBox(PWideChar('打不开文件' + FromFile + '!'), '错误', MB_ICONERROR); end; end; function RTSetSaveDataCDS(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet; MyTable: string; MyTag: Integer): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin try Result := false; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if Tv1.Columns[i].Tag = MyTag then begin // if Tv1.Columns[i].Visible = false then // continue; if Trim(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FilterFieldName) = '' then continue; begin if Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString) <> '' then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value; end else begin if Trim(Tv1.Columns[i].Summary.GroupFooterFormat) = '0' then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := 0; end else begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := null; end; end; end; end; end; Result := true; except Result := false; application.MessageBox('设置Cds保存信息失败!', '提示', 0); end; end; function RTSetSaveDataCDSBand(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet; MyTable: string; MyTag: Integer): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin try Result := false; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if Tv1.Columns[i].Tag = MyTag then begin if Tv1.Columns[i].Visible = false then continue; if Trim(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FilterFieldName) = '' then continue; begin if Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString) <> '' then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value; end else begin if Trim(Tv1.Columns[i].Summary.GroupFooterFormat) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := 0 else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := null; end; end; end; end; Result := true; except Result := false; application.MessageBox('设置Cds保存信息失败!', '提示', 0); end; end; /// ////////////////////////服务器日期////////////////////////////////////// // function SGetServerDate(ADOQueryTmp:TADOQuery):TdateTime; // begin // try // with ADOQueryTmp do // begin // close; // sql.Clear; // sql.Add('select getDate()as dt'); // open; // result:=StrToDate(formatdatetime('yyyy-MM-dd',fieldByName('dt').AsDatetime)); // close; // SQL.Clear; // end; // except // application.MessageBox('获取当前日期发生错误!','提示信息',0); // end; // // end; /// ////////////////////////服务器日期////////////////////////////////////// function SGetServerDate(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery): TdateTime; begin with FormatSettings do begin ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd'; LongDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd'; ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; LongTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; DateSeparator := '-'; TimeSeparator := ':'; end; try with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select getDate()as dt'); Open; Result := strToDate(formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd', fieldByName('dt').AsDateTime)); close; sql.Clear; end; except application.MessageBox('获取当前日期发生错误!', '提示信息', 0); end; end; function SGetServerDateTime(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery): TdateTime; begin with FormatSettings do begin ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd'; LongDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd'; ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; LongTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; DateSeparator := '-'; TimeSeparator := ':'; end; try with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select getDate()as dt'); Open; Result := fieldByName('dt').AsDateTime; close; sql.Clear; end; except application.MessageBox('获取当前日期发生错误!', '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure RTSetsavedata(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; MyTable: string; Myparent: TWinControl; MyTag: Integer); var i: Integer; begin with Myparent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i].Tag = MyTag then begin if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Name).Value := Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text); if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin if Pos('/', Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)) > 0 then continue; ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)).Value := Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Name).Value := Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text); if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin if Pos('/', Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint)) > 0 then continue; ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint)).Value := Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode); end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text) end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin if Trim(TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text) = '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := 0 else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) else begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) else begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if (TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).ShowCheckbox then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := FormatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd', TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Date); end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin if trim(TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).Text)<>'' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).Text else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value :=null; end else if Controls[i] is TcxMemo then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TcxMemo(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text); end; end; end; end; end; procedure SClearData(mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); var i, idx: Integer; begin with mParent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i].Tag <> FTag then continue; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text := ''; TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := ''; TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin idx := -1; TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).ShowCheckbox = true then begin TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked := false; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxRichEdit then begin TcxRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin idx := -1; TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TcxMemo then begin TcxMemo(Controls[i]).Text := ''; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text := ''; TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Properties.LookupItems.Text := ''; end end; end; end; procedure SCSHDataCDS(CDS_Main: TclientDataSet; mParent: TWinControl; FTag: Integer); var i, idx: Integer; mfield, mfieldCode: string; ma: TA; begin with CDS_Main do begin if isEmpty then exit; with mParent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i].Tag <> FTag then continue; mfield := Controls[i].Name; /// //////////////////////// // EDIT if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end // ftcombobox else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin idx := TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).IndexOfItem2(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TcxRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end // combobox else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.Count > 0 then begin idx := TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint)).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) = '' then begin TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked := false; end else TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin if not isEmpty and not fieldByName(mfield).IsNull then TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin if not isEmpty and (fieldByName(mfield).AsString <> '') then TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcheckBox then begin TcheckBox(Controls[i]).Checked := fieldByName(mfield).asBoolean; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); if TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).ParentShowHint = false then begin mfieldCode := Trim(Copy(mfield, 1, Length(mfield) - 4)); TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(fieldByName(mfieldCode).AsString); end; end; end; // end for end; // end with end; // end for with end; /// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// /************获取过滤条件***********///// /// ///////////////////////////////////////// function SGetFilters(TMPanel: TPanel; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; var i, j, k: Integer; fsj, fsj1: string; begin Result := ''; with TMPanel do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) + '%') else if Controls[i].Tag = 99 then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2) + '%'); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Name + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 公用过滤函数 /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// /************获取过滤条件Hint***********///// /// ///////////////////////////////////////// function SGetHintFilters(TMPanel: TPanel; EquTag, LikeTag: Integer): string; var i, j, k: Integer; fsj, fsj1: string; begin Result := ''; with TMPanel do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text), j + 1, Length(Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text))); while Trim(fsj1) <> '' do begin j := Pos(' ', Trim(fsj1)); if j > 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Copy(Trim(fsj1), 1, j - 1) + '%'); fsj1 := Copy(Trim(fsj1), j + 1, Length(Trim(fsj1))); end else begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(fsj1) + '%'); fsj1 := ''; end; end; end else Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text) + '%') else if Controls[i].Tag = 99 then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode) <> '' then begin if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + 'Name' + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2) + '%'); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then if Controls[i].Tag = EquTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text)) else if Controls[i].Tag = LikeTag then Result := Result + 'and ' + Controls[i].Hint + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) + '%'); end; end; end; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 公用过滤函数Hint /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //公用过滤函数TMClientDataset /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SGetCDSFilters(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS1: TclientDataSet): string; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; if CDS1.isEmpty then exit; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if True then //if dxmx.findfield('CFWZ')<>nil if Tv1.Columns[i].Tag = 11 then begin if CDS1.findfield(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName) <> nil then begin if Trim(CDS1.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString) <> '' then begin Result := Result + 'and ' + Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName + '=' + quotedStr(Trim(CDS1.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString)) + ' '; end; end; end; end; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //公用过滤函数TMClientDataset /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure SDofilter(ADOQry: TADOQuery; FilterStr: string); begin try ADOQry.DisableControls; with ADOQry do begin if Trim(FilterStr) = '' then begin Filtered := false; end else begin Filtered := false; Filter := FilterStr; Filtered := true; end; end; finally ADOQry.EnableControls; end; end; procedure FDCreateCDS(SADOQry: TFDConnection; mClientDataset: TclientDataSet); var i: Integer; mfieldName: string; mSize: Integer; begin // // mfieldName := ''; // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Clear; // with SADOQry do // begin // for i := 0 to fieldCount - 1 do // // begin // if (Fields[i].DataType = ftString) and (Fields[i].Size = 0) then // begin // mSize := 1; // end // else // mSize := Fields[i].Size; // mfieldName := Trim(Fields[i].FieldName); // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add(mfieldName, Fields[i].DataType, mSize); // // end; // end; // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Sflag', ftString, 1); // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Sindex', ftInteger, 0); // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Ssel', ftBoolean, 0); // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('SDefNote', ftString, 10); // mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('XHNoTemp', ftFloat, 0); // mClientDataset.close; // mClientDataset.CreateDataSet; end; procedure SCreateCDS(SADOQry: TADOQuery; mClientDataset: TclientDataSet); var i: Integer; mfieldName: string; mSize: Integer; begin mfieldName := ''; mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Clear; with SADOQry do begin for i := 0 to fieldCount - 1 do // begin if (Fields[i].DataType = ftString) and (Fields[i].Size = 0) then begin mSize := 1; end else mSize := Fields[i].Size; mfieldName := Trim(Fields[i].FieldName); mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add(mfieldName, Fields[i].DataType, mSize); end; end; mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Sflag', ftString, 1); mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Sindex', ftInteger, 0); mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Ssel', ftBoolean, 0); mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('SDefNote', ftString, 10); mClientDataset.FieldDefs.Add('XHNoTemp', ftFloat, 0); mClientDataset.close; mClientDataset.CreateDataSet; end; procedure SInitCDSData(fromADO: TADOQuery; toCDS: TclientDataSet); var i: Integer; k: Integer; begin if fromADO.isEmpty then exit; fromADO.first; k := 1; try toCDS.DisableControls; toCDS.Filtered := false; while not fromADO.Eof do begin with toCDS do begin append; for i := 0 to fromADO.fieldCount - 1 do begin Fields[i].Value := fromADO.Fields[i].Value; end; fieldByName('Sflag').AsString := '1'; fieldByName('Sindex').Value := k; fieldByName('Ssel').Value := false; fieldByName('SDefNote').Value := ''; inc(k); post; end; fromADO.Next; end; if not toCDS.isEmpty then begin toCDS.first; end; finally toCDS.EnableControls; end; end; procedure InitCDSData(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; SqlStr, FilterStr, MarkStr: string); var MarkStrValue: string; begin try Tv1.BeginUpdate(); if trim(MarkStr) <> '' then begin if not CDS1.IsEmpty then MarkStrValue := TRIM(CDS1.FieldByName(MarkStr).AsString); end; with ADO1 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; Filtered := false; sql.Add(SqlStr); Open; end; if trim(FilterStr) <> '' then SDofilter(ADO1, FilterStr); SCreateCDS(ADO1, CDS1); SInitCDSData(ADO1, CDS1); Tv1.DataController.Filter.Refresh; if trim(MarkStr) <> '' then CDS1.Locate(MarkStr, MarkStrValue, []); finally Tv1.EndUpdate; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////// procedure InitAdoData(ADO1: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; SqlStr, FilterStr, MarkStr: string); var MarkStrValue: string; begin try Tv1.BeginUpdate(); if trim(MarkStr) <> '' then begin if not ADO1.IsEmpty then MarkStrValue := TRIM(ADO1.FieldByName(MarkStr).AsString); end; with ADO1 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; Filtered := false; sql.Add(SqlStr); Open; end; if trim(FilterStr) <> '' then SDofilter(ADO1, FilterStr); Tv1.DataController.Filter.Refresh; if trim(MarkStr) <> '' then ADO1.Locate(MarkStr, MarkStrValue, []); finally Tv1.EndUpdate(); end; end; procedure SInitRadioGroupBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; rg: TRadioGroup; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(mSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin exit; end; rg.Items.Clear; while not Eof do begin rg.Items.Add(Trim(fieldByName('Name').AsString)); Next; end; if not emptyFlag then rg.Items.Add(''); if emptyFlag and (rg.Items.Count > 0) then rg.ItemIndex := 0; end; end; procedure SInitComBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; cb: TComboBox; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(mSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin // plication.MessageBox(PWideChar(showMsg),'',0); exit; end; cb.Clear; while not Eof do begin cb.Items.Add(Trim(fieldByName('Name').AsString)); Next; end; if not emptyFlag then cb.Items.Add(''); if emptyFlag and (cb.Items.Count > 0) then cb.ItemIndex := 0; end; end; procedure SInitTcxComBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; cb: TcxComboBox; emptyFlag: Boolean; mSql: string); begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(mSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin // plication.MessageBox(PWideChar(showMsg),'',0); exit; end; cb.Properties.Items.Clear; while not Eof do begin cb.Properties.Items.Add(Trim(fieldByName('Name').AsString)); Next; end; if not emptyFlag then cb.Properties.Items.Add(''); if emptyFlag and (cb.Properties.Items.Count > 0) then cb.ItemIndex := 0; end; end; procedure SInitCxGridComboBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; c3: TcxGriddbColumn; FSql: string; PState: Integer; IsNull: Boolean; Shmeg: string); var A: TA; begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Clear; with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(FSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin // Application.MessageBox(PWideChar('未找到:'+shmeg),'',0); exit; end; while not Eof do begin A := TA.create(Nil); A.S := Trim(fieldByName('Code').AsString); if PState = 1 then (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.AddObject(Trim(fieldByName('name').AsString), TObject(A)) else if PState = 0 then begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Add(Trim(fieldByName('name').AsString)); end; Next; end; if not IsNull then begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Add(''); end; end; end; procedure SInitCxGridComboBoxBySqlV2(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FieldName: string; mSql: string); begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(mSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin exit; end else begin // 通过目标列的字段名,获取需要添加内容的 ComboBox with TcxComboBoxProperties(Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(FieldName).Properties) do begin Items.Clear; // 循环添加查询结果到 ComboBox 中 ADOQueryTmp.First; while not ADOQueryTmp.Eof do begin Items.Add(ADOQueryTmp.FieldByName('Name').AsString); ADOQueryTmp.Next; end; end; end; end; end; procedure SInitCxBandGridComboBoxBySql(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; c3: TcxGridDBBandedColumn; FSql: string; PState: Integer; IsNull: Boolean; Shmeg: string); var A: TA; begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Clear; with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add(FSql); Open; if isEmpty then begin application.MessageBox(PWideChar('未找到:' + Shmeg), '', 0); exit; end; while not Eof do begin A := TA.create(Nil); A.S := Trim(fieldByName('Code').AsString); if PState = 1 then (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.AddObject(Trim(fieldByName('name').AsString), TObject(A)) else if PState = 0 then begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Add(Trim(fieldByName('name').AsString)); end; Next; end; if not IsNull then begin (c3.Properties as TcxComboBoxProperties).Items.Add(''); end; end; end; procedure MoveCDS(CDS_Left: TclientDataSet; CDS_Right: TclientDataSet); var i: Integer; begin with CDS_Right do begin Append; for i := 0 to CDS_Left.FieldCount - 1 do begin CDS_Right.FieldByName(CDS_Left.Fields[i].FieldName).Value := CDS_Left.fieldbyname(CDS_Left.Fields[i].FieldName).Value; end; Post; end; end; // 复制增行 procedure CopyAddRow(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); var AA: array[0..50] of string; i, j: Integer; begin if CDS_Sub.isEmpty then begin CDS_Sub.append; CDS_Sub.post; exit; end; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin AA[i] := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString); end; with CDS_Sub do begin append; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if AA[i] <> '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := AA[i]; end; end; post; end; end; procedure CopyAddRowBand(Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); var AA: array[0..300] of string; i, j: Integer; begin if CDS_Sub.isEmpty then begin CDS_Sub.append; CDS_Sub.post; exit; end; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin AA[i] := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString); end; with CDS_Sub do begin append; for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if AA[i] <> '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).Value := AA[i]; end; end; post; end; end; // 复制增行 procedure CopyAddRowCDS(CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); var AA: array[0..300] of string; i, j: Integer; begin if CDS_Sub.isEmpty then exit; for i := 0 to CDS_Sub.fieldCount - 1 do begin AA[i] := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(CDS_Sub.Fields[i].FieldName).AsString); end; with CDS_Sub do begin append; for i := 0 to CDS_Sub.fieldCount - 1 do begin if AA[i] <> '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(CDS_Sub.Fields[i].FieldName).Value := AA[i]; end; end; post; end; end; procedure OneKeyPost(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); var FValue, FFValue, FColumn, FFColumn: string; begin // FColumn:=tv1.Columns[Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumnIndex].DataBinding.FieldName; // FFColumn:=Tv1.Columns[Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumnIndex].Summary.GroupFormat; FColumn := Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumn.DataBinding.FilterFieldName; FFColumn := Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumn.Summary.GroupFormat; FValue := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).AsString); if Trim(FFColumn) <> '' then begin FFValue := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).AsString); end; with CDS_Sub do begin DisableControls; first; while not Eof do begin edit; if FValue = '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).Value := null; end else begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).Value := FValue; end; if Trim(FFColumn) <> '' then begin if FFValue = '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).Value := null; end else begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).Value := FFValue; end; end; post; Next; end; EnableControls; end; end; procedure OneKeyPostBand(Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; CDS_Sub: TclientDataSet); var FValue, FFValue, FColumn, FFColumn: string; begin // FColumn:=tv1.Columns[Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumnIndex].DataBinding.FieldName; // FFColumn:=Tv1.Columns[Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumnIndex].Summary.GroupFormat; FColumn := Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumn.DataBinding.FilterFieldName; FFColumn := Tv1.Controller.FocusedColumn.Summary.GroupFormat; FValue := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).AsString); if Trim(FFColumn) <> '' then begin FFValue := Trim(CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).AsString); end; with CDS_Sub do begin DisableControls; first; while not Eof do begin edit; if FValue = '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).Value := null; end else begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FColumn).Value := FValue; end; if Trim(FFColumn) <> '' then begin if FFValue = '' then begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).Value := null; end else begin CDS_Sub.fieldByName(FFColumn).Value := FFValue; end; end; post; Next; end; EnableControls; end; end; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:取流水号 // mFlag:前缀;mTable:表名 // mlen:流水号长度; mtype:是否带日期 1:带 0 不带 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetLSNo(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; var mMaxNo: string; mFlag: string; mTable: string; mlen: Integer; mtype: Integer = 0): Boolean; begin try with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec Get_SY_MaxBH '); sql.Add(' ' + quotedStr(mFlag)); sql.Add(',' + quotedStr(mTable)); sql.Add(',' + intTostr(mlen)); sql.Add(',' + intTostr(mtype)); // ShowMessage(SQL.Text); Open; if Recordcount > 0 then begin mMaxNo := Trim(fieldByName('MaxBH').AsString); if mMaxNo <> '' then Result := true else Result := false; end else begin Result := false; end; end; if not Result then application.MessageBox(PWideChar('无法生成流水号(' + mFlag + ')'), '提示信息', MB_ICONINFORMATION); except Result := false; application.MessageBox(PWideChar('无法生成流水号(' + mFlag + ')'), '提示信息', MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; end; procedure ReadCxGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); var mFileName: string; mADOTmp: TADOQuery; mGridName: string; mfromName: string; mcxGridDbColumn1: TcxGridDbColumn; mDir: string; i: integer; begin if gGridNativeSet then begin mDir := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'Layout\' + filePack; mFileName := mDir + '\' + Trim(fileName) + '.dbg'; //从布局文件中恢复 if FileExists(mFileName) then cxGrid.RestoreFromIniFile(mFileName, false, false); exit; end; mGridName := cxGrid.GetParentComponent.Name + '.' + cxGrid.name; try cxGrid.BeginUpdate(); mADOTmp := TADOQuery.Create(nil); mADOTmp.ConnectionString := DConString; with mADOTmp do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select * from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr(DCode)); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName = ' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('order by ColIndexNo'); open; if mADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select * from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr('ADMIN')); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName = ' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('order by ColIndexNo'); open; end; first; while not eof do begin //cxgrid.find mcxGridDbColumn1 := cxGrid.GetColumnByFieldName(trim(fieldByName('fieldName').asstring)); if (mcxGridDbColumn1 <> nil) and (lowercase(mcxGridDbColumn1.Name) = lowercase(trim(fieldByName('columnName').asstring))) then begin mcxGridDbColumn1.Visible := fieldByName('Visible').AsBoolean; mcxGridDbColumn1.Width := fieldByName('width').asInteger; mcxGridDbColumn1.index := fieldByName('ColIndexNo').asInteger; // if cxgrid.OptionsView.GroupByBox then mcxGridDbColumn1.GroupIndex := fieldByName('GroupIndex').asInteger; if (fieldByName('SortOrder').asInteger = 0) then mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soNone else if (fieldByName('SortOrder').asInteger = 1) then mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soAscending else if (fieldByName('SortOrder').asInteger = 2) then mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soDescending; end; mcxGridDbColumn1 := nil; next; end; end; finally mADOTmp.close; mADOTmp.Free; cxGrid.EndUpdate(); end; end; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:从文件中读取cxGridCol设置 // fileName 推荐为窗口的caption名字caption名字 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ReadCxBandedGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); var mFileName: string; mADOTmp: TADOQuery; mGridName: string; mfromName: string; mcxGridDbColumn1: TcxGridDbBandedColumn; i: integer; begin if gGridNativeSet then begin mFileName := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'Layout\' + filePack + '\' + Trim(fileName) + '.dbg'; // 从布局文件中恢复 if FileExists(mFileName) then cxGrid.RestoreFromIniFile(mFileName); exit; end; mGridName := cxGrid.GetParentComponent.Name + '.' + cxGrid.name; try cxGrid.BeginUpdate(); mADOTmp := TADOQuery.Create(nil); mADOTmp.ConnectionString := DConString; ///////////////////////////////////////// with mADOTmp do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select bandIndexNo,bandWidth=sum(width),bandvisible from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr(DCode)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName=' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); sql.Add('and bandIndexNo>=0 and bandWidth>=0'); sql.Add('group by bandIndexNo,bandvisible'); // ShowMessage(sql.Text); open; first; while not eof do begin cxGrid.Bands[fieldByName('bandIndexNo').AsInteger].Width := fieldByName('BandWidth').AsInteger; cxGrid.Bands[fieldByName('bandIndexNo').AsInteger].Visible := fieldByName('bandVisible').AsBoolean; next; end; end; with mADOTmp do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select * from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr(DCode)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName=' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); sql.Add('order by ColIndexNo'); // ShowMessage(sql.Text); open; first; while not eof do begin for i := 0 to cxGrid.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if lowercase(cxGrid.Columns[i].Name) = lowercase(trim(fieldByName('columnName').asstring)) then begin mcxGridDbColumn1 := cxGrid.Columns[i]; break; end; end; if mcxGridDbColumn1 <> nil then begin mcxGridDbColumn1.Position.BandIndex := fieldByName('BandIndexNo').asInteger; if fieldByName('BandWidth').AsInteger > 0 then begin mcxGridDbColumn1.Position.Band.Width := fieldByName('BandWidth').AsInteger; mcxGridDbColumn1.Position.Band.Visible := fieldByName('bandVisible').AsBoolean; end; mcxGridDbColumn1.Visible := fieldByName('Visible').AsBoolean; mcxGridDbColumn1.Width := fieldByName('width').asInteger; mcxGridDbColumn1.Position.ColIndex := fieldByName('ColIndexNo').asInteger; //mcxGridDbColumn1.index:=fieldByName('ColIndexNo').asInteger; mcxGridDbColumn1.index := fieldByName('IndexNo').asInteger; if (fieldByName('SortOrder').asInteger = 0) then mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soNone else if (fieldByName('SortOrder').asInteger = 1) then mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soAscending else mcxGridDbColumn1.SortOrder := soDescending; end; // mcxGridDbColumn1.ApplyBestFit(); mcxGridDbColumn1 := nil; next; end; end; finally mADOTmp.close; mADOTmp.Free; cxGrid.EndUpdate; end; end; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:写cxGridCol设置到.dbg文件中 // 默认推荐为窗口的caption名字 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure WriteCxGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); var mFileName: string; mADOCmd: TADOQuery; mGridName: string; mfromName: string; mDir: string; i: integer; mcurdate: Tdatetime; begin mDir := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'Layout\'; if not DirectoryExists(mDir) then begin CreateDir(pwidechar(mDir)); end; // mFileName := mDir + '\' + Trim(fileName) + '.dbg'; mFileName := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'Layout\' + filePack + '\' + Trim(fileName) + '.dbg'; if not DirectoryExists(ExtractFileDir(mFileName)) then CreateDir(ExtractFileDir(mFileName)); // 保存为布局文件 cxGrid.StoreToIniFile(mFileName); mfromName := GetParentForm(TControl(cxGrid.GetParentComponent), true).Name; mGridName := cxGrid.GetParentComponent.Name + '.' + cxGrid.name; // showmessage(mGridName); //////////////////////////////// // try mADOCmd := TADOQuery.Create(nil); mADOCmd.ConnectionString := DConString; with mADOCmd do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select getdate() as dt'); open; mcurdate := fieldByname('dt').AsDateTime; end; with mADOCmd do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select * from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr(DCode)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName=' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); open; for i := 0 to cxGrid.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if locate('columnName', cxGrid.Columns[i].Name, []) then begin edit; end else begin append; fieldByName('userId').value := DCode; fieldByName('fileName').value := fileName; fieldByName('groupname').value := filePack; fieldByName('cxGridName').value := mGridName; fieldByName('dllfileName').value := fDllFileName; end; fieldByName('indexNo').value := i; fieldByName('Visible').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Visible; fieldByName('BandIndexNo').value := 0; fieldByName('caption').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].caption; fieldByName('fieldName').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName; fieldByName('columnName').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Name; fieldByName('ColIndexNo').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Index; fieldByName('groupIndex').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].GroupIndex; fieldByName('width').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Width; fieldByName('SortOrder').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].SortOrder; fieldByName('formName').value := mfromName; fieldByName('updatetime').value := mcurdate; fieldByName('updateMan').value := DCode; post; end; end; finally mADOCmd.close; mADOCmd.Free; end; end; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:写cxGridCol设置到.dbg文件中 // 默认推荐为窗口的caption名字 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure WriteCxBandedGrid(fileName: string; cxGrid: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; filePack: string = '公用'); var mFileName: string; mADOCmd: TADOQuery; mGridName: string; mfromName: string; i: integer; mcurdate: Tdatetime; begin mFileName := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'Layout\' + filePack + '\' + Trim(fileName) + '.dbg'; if not DirectoryExists(ExtractFileDir(mFileName)) then CreateDir(ExtractFileDir(mFileName)); // 保存为布局文件 cxGrid.StoreToIniFile(mFileName); mfromName := GetParentForm(TControl(cxGrid.GetParentComponent), true).Name; mGridName := cxGrid.GetParentComponent.Name + '.' + cxGrid.name; // showmessage(mGridName); //////////////////////////////// // try mADOCmd := TADOQuery.Create(nil); mADOCmd.ConnectionString := DConString; with mADOCmd do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select getdate() as dt'); open; mcurdate := fieldByname('dt').AsDateTime; end; with mADOCmd do begin close; sql.clear; sql.Add('select * from sd_cxgrid_dbg_set'); sql.Add('where userId=' + quotedstr(DCode)); sql.Add('and fileName=' + quotedstr(fileName)); sql.Add('and cxGridName=' + quotedstr(mGridName)); sql.Add('and dllfileName=' + quotedstr(fDllFileName)); // ShowMessage(sql.Text); open; for i := 0 to cxGrid.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if locate('columnName', cxGrid.Columns[i].Name, []) then begin edit; end else begin append; fieldByName('userId').value := DCode; fieldByName('fileName').value := fileName; fieldByName('groupname').value := filePack; fieldByName('cxGridName').value := mGridName; fieldByName('dllfileName').value := fDllFileName; end; fieldByName('ColIndexNo').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.ColIndex; fieldByName('Visible').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Visible; fieldByName('BandIndexNo').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.BandIndex; if cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.BandIndex >= 0 then begin //if cxGrid.Bands[cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.BandIndex].Width>0 then fieldByName('BandWidth').value := cxGrid.Bands[cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.BandIndex].Width; //cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.Band.Width; fieldByName('bandVisible').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Position.Band.Visible; end; fieldByName('caption').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].caption; fieldByName('fieldName').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName; fieldByName('columnName').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Name; fieldByName('indexNo').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Index; fieldByName('width').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].Width; fieldByName('SortOrder').value := cxGrid.Columns[i].SortOrder; fieldByName('updatetime').value := mcurdate; fieldByName('updateMan').value := DCode; fieldByName('formName').value := mfromName; post; end; end; finally mADOCmd.close; mADOCmd.Free; end; end; procedure TcxGridToExcel(mFileName: string; gridName: TcxGrid); var saveDialog: TSaveDialog; begin try saveDialog := TSaveDialog.create(nil); saveDialog.Filter := 'xls(*.xls)|*.xls|全部(*.*)|*.*'; saveDialog.Options := [ofOverwritePrompt]; saveDialog.fileName := mFileName; if saveDialog.Execute then if Assigned(gridName) then begin try ExportGridToExcel(saveDialog.fileName, gridName); except application.MessageBox('创建失败,源文件可能处于编辑状态!', '提示信息', 0); exit; end; application.MessageBox('成功导出!', '提示信息', 0); end else application.MessageBox('导出失败!', '提示信息', 0); finally saveDialog.Free; end; end; procedure SelOKNo(CDS_MainSel: TclientDataSet; FSel: Boolean); begin if CDS_MainSel.isEmpty then exit; CDS_MainSel.DisableControls; with CDS_MainSel do begin first; while not Eof do begin if fieldByName('SSel').asBoolean = not FSel then begin edit; fieldByName('SSel').Value := FSel; post; end; Next; end; end; CDS_MainSel.EnableControls; end; procedure SelOKNoFiler(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FSel: Boolean); var i: integer; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; Tv1.BeginUpdate(); Tv1.DataController.GotoFirst; for i := 0 to Tv1.DataController.FilteredRecordCount - 1 do begin Tv1.DataController.GetItemByFieldName('ssel').EditValue := FSel; Tv1.DataController.GotoNext; end; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Tv1.EndUpdate; end; procedure ClearCDSColumn(CDS_1: TclientDataSet; Keys: TArray); var i, CurRow: Integer; begin CurRow := CDS_1.recno; CDS_1.DisableControls; with CDS_1 do begin First; while not Eof do begin for i := 0 to Length(Keys) - 1 do begin CDS_1.Edit; CDS_1.fieldbyname(Keys[i]).Value := null; CDS_1.Post; end; CDS_1.Next; end; end; CDS_1.recno := CurRow; CDS_1.EnableControls; end; function SelCDSKey(CDS_1: TclientDataSet; Keys: TArray): TArray; var RTValues: TArray; i, j, CurRow: Integer; begin SetLength(RTValues, Length(Keys)); CurRow := CDS_1.recno; CDS_1.DisableControls; with CDS_1 do begin First; j := 0; while not Eof do begin if CDS_1.FieldByName('SSel').AsBoolean = True then begin if j = 0 then begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := Trim(CDS_1.fieldbyname(Keys[i]).AsString) + ','; end; end else begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := RTValues[i] + Trim(CDS_1.fieldbyname(Keys[i]).AsString) + ','; end; end; j := j + 1; end; CDS_1.Next; end; end; CDS_1.recno := CurRow; CDS_1.EnableControls; for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := copy(RTValues[i], 1, Length(RTValues[i]) - 1); end; Result := RTValues; end; // 复制TV焦点内容 procedure CopyTVFocusValue(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView); var MVlaue: string; begin if not Assigned(Tv1.Controller.FocusedItem) then exit; MVlaue := vartoStr(Tv1.Controller.FocusedItem.EditValue); Clipboard.SetTextBuf(PChar(MVlaue)); end; procedure SelTVToCDS(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; CDS1: TclientDataSet; KeyId: string); var i, k, CurRow: Integer; mvalue: string; begin try CurRow := Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.DisableControls; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.First; CDS1.DisableControls; with CDS1 do begin First; while not eof do begin Edit; FieldByName('ssel').Value := 0; Post; Next; end; end; for k := 0 to Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedCount - 1 do begin mvalue := Tv1.DataController.GetValue(Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(k), Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(KeyId).Index); if CDS1.Locate(KeyId, mvalue, []) then begin with CDS1 do begin Edit; FieldByName('ssel').Value := 1; Post; end; end; end; finally CDS1.EnableControls; Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex := CurRow; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.EnableControls; end; end; function SelTVKey(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; Keys: TArray): TArray; // 返回选择列key var RTValues: TArray; i, j, k, CurRow: Integer; mvalue: string; begin SetLength(RTValues, Length(Keys)); try // CurRow := Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex; // Tv1.DataController.DataSet.DisableControls; // Tv1.DataController.DataSet.First; j := 0; // for k := 0 to Tv1.Controller.SelectedRowCount - 1 do // begin // tv1.Controller.FocusedRow := Tv1.Controller.SelectedRows[k]; // // RTValues := RTValues + Tv1.DataController.DataSet.FieldByName('spid').AsString + ','; // end; for k := 0 to Tv1.Controller.SelectedRowCount - 1 do begin Tv1.Controller.FocusedRow := Tv1.Controller.SelectedRows[k]; if j = 0 then begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := Tv1.DataController.DataSet.FieldByName(Keys[i]).AsString + ','; // RTValues[i] := Tv1.DataController.GetValue(Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(k), Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(Keys[i]).Index) + ','; end; end else begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := RTValues[i] + Tv1.DataController.DataSet.FieldByName(Keys[i]).AsString + ','; // RTValues[i] := RTValues[i] + Tv1.DataController.GetValue(Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(k), Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(Keys[i]).Index) + ','; end; end; j := j + 1; end; finally // Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex := CurRow; // Tv1.DataController.DataSet.EnableControls; end; for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := copy(RTValues[i], 1, Length(RTValues[i]) - 1); end; Tv1.DataController.ClearSelection; Result := RTValues; end; { function SelTVKey(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; Keys: TArray): TArray; // 返回选择列key var RTValues: TArray; i, j, k, CurRow: Integer; mvalue: string; begin SetLength(RTValues, Length(Keys)); try CurRow := Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.DisableControls; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.First; j := 0; for k := 0 to Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedCount - 1 do begin if j = 0 then begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := Tv1.DataController.GetValue(Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(k), Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(Keys[i]).Index) + ','; end; end else begin for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := RTValues[i] + Tv1.DataController.GetValue(Tv1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(k), Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(Keys[i]).Index) + ','; end; end; j := j + 1; end; finally Tv1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex := CurRow; Tv1.DataController.DataSet.EnableControls; end; for i := 0 to Length(RTValues) - 1 do begin RTValues[i] := copy(RTValues[i], 1, Length(RTValues[i]) - 1); end; // Tv1.DataController.ClearSelection; Result := RTValues; end; } procedure HiddenTVColumn(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; FieldName: string); begin Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(FieldName).Visible := False; Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(FieldName).VisibleForCustomization := False; // Tv1.GetColumnByFieldName(FieldName).Hidden := True; end; function FormatTitle(S: string): string; { 将字符串中的半角替换成全角字符 } var OldStr, NewStr: AnsiString; i: Integer; const SiStr = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`1234567890-=\~!#$%^&()_+|[]{};'':",./<>?'; DoStr = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`1234567890-=\~!#$%^&()_+|[]{};':",。/<>?'; begin for i := 1 to 95 do begin OldStr := Copy(SiStr, i, 1); NewStr := Copy(DoStr, 2 * i - 1, 2); S := StringReplace(S, OldStr, NewStr, [rfReplaceAll]); end; S := Trim(S); Result := S; end; //////////////////////////// procedure selectDataRow(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; mKeyField: string); var idx, i: integer; mvalue: string; begin if TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).GetColumnByFieldName('ssel') = nil then exit; if TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).GetColumnByFieldName(mKeyField) = nil then exit; idx := TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).GetColumnByFieldName(mKeyField).Index; try TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).BeginUpdate(); TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.DisableControls; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.First; while not TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.eof do begin if TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.GetItemByFieldName('ssel').EditValue = true then begin TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.Edit; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.FieldByName('ssel').value := false; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.Post(); end; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.next; end; ///////////////////// for i := 0 to TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.GetSelectedCount - 1 do begin mvalue := TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.GetValue(TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).Controller.SelectedRows[i].RecordIndex, idx); if TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.Locate(mKeyField, mvalue, []) then begin TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.Edit; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.FieldByName('ssel').value := true; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.Post; end; end; finally TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.EnableControls; TcxGridDbTableView(Sender).EndUpdate; end; end; procedure LSCSHData(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; mParent: TdxLayoutControl; FTag: Integer); var i, idx: Integer; mfield, mfieldCode: string; ma: TA; begin with ADOQueryTmp do begin if isEmpty then exit; with mParent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; if Controls[i].Tag <> FTag then continue; mfield := Controls[i].Name; if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin idx := TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).IndexOfItem2(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxRichEdit then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) <> '' then TcxRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.Count > 0 then begin idx := TComboBox(Controls[i]).Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin if TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Properties.Items.Count > 0 then begin idx := TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Properties.Items.IndexOf(Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString)); end else idx := -1; TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).ItemIndex := idx; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin TBtnEditA(TBtnEditA(Controls[i])).TxtCode := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)).AsString); end else begin TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin TBtnEditC(TBtnEditA(Controls[i])).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString) = '' then begin TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked := false; end else TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is Tcxmemo then begin Tcxmemo(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin if not isEmpty and not fieldByName(mfield).IsNull then TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).date := fieldByName(mfield).AsDateTime; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin if not isEmpty and (fieldByName(mfield).AsString <> '') then TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text := fieldByName(mfield).AsString; end else if Controls[i] is TcheckBox then begin TcheckBox(Controls[i]).Checked := fieldByName(mfield).asBoolean; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text := Trim(fieldByName(mfield).AsString); // if TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).ParentShowHint = false then // begin // mfieldCode := Trim(Copy(mfield, 1, Length(mfield) - 4)); // TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(fieldByName(mfieldCode).AsString); // end; end; end; // end for end; // end with end; // end for with end; procedure LRTSetsavedata(ADOQueryCmd: TADOQuery; MyTable: string; Myparent: TdxLayoutControl; MyTag: Integer); var i: Integer; begin with Myparent do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i].Tag = MyTag then begin if Controls[i] is TBtnEditA then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Name).Value := Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Text); if Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin if Pos('/', Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)) > 0 then continue; ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).Hint)).Value := Trim(TBtnEditA(Controls[i]).TxtCode); end; end else if Controls[i] is TBtnEditC then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Name).Value := Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Text); if Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then begin if Pos('/', Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint)) > 0 then continue; ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).Hint)).Value := Trim(TBtnEditC(Controls[i]).TxtCode); end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxButtonEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxButtonEdit(Controls[i]).Text) end else if Controls[i] is TcxCurrencyEdit then begin if Trim(TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text) = '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := 0 else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxCurrencyEdit(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Text) else begin if Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TEdit(Controls[i]).Hint) else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxTextEdit(Controls[i]).Text) else begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end; end else if Controls[i] is TRichEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TRichEdit(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is Tmemo then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Tmemo(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is TRTComboBox then begin if (TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Text) <> '' then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TRTComboBox(Controls[i]).Item2); end else if Controls[i] is TComboBox then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TComboBox(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TcxComboBox then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxComboBox(Controls[i]).Text); end else if Controls[i] is TDateTimePicker then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).ShowCheckbox then begin if TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).Checked then ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := null; end else ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TDateTimePicker(Controls[i]).DateTime; end else if Controls[i] is TcxDateEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TcxDateEdit(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is TcxMemo then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := TcxMemo(Controls[i]).Text; end else if Controls[i] is TcxTimeEdit then begin ADOQueryCmd.fieldByName(Controls[i].Name).Value := Trim(TcxTimeEdit(Controls[i]).Text); end; end; end; end; end; function CommonFiltersByTv(Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; JsonArgs: string): string; var i: integer; JSONObject: TJSONObject; MFields: TStringList; begin Result := ''; JSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JsonArgs) as TJSONObject; MFields := TStringList.Create(); ExtractStrings(['|'], [' '], PChar(JSONObject.S['Fields']), MFields); for i := 0 to Tv1.ColumnCount - 1 do begin if MFields.IndexOf(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName) >= 0 then begin Result := Result + 'and isnull(' + Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName + ','''')=' + quotedStr(Trim(Tv1.DataController.DataSet.FieldByName(Tv1.Columns[i].DataBinding.FieldName).AsString)) + ' '; end; end; MFields.Free; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; function CommonFiltersByContainer(TMControl: TControl; JsonArgs: string): string; var i, EquTag, LikeTag, FieldTag: Integer; JSONObject: TJSONObject; MFields: TStringList; begin Result := ''; JSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JsonArgs) as TJSONObject; MFields := TStringList.Create(); ExtractStrings(['|'], [' '], PChar(JSONObject.S['Fields']), MFields); EquTag := JSONObject.I['EquTag']; LikeTag := JSONObject.I['LikeTag']; FieldTag := JSONObject.I['FieldTag']; if TMControl is TPanel then begin with TPanel(TMControl) do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; Result := Result + CommonGetSingleFilter(Controls[i], EquTag, LikeTag, FieldTag, MFields); end; end; end else if TMControl is TdxLayoutControl then begin with TdxLayoutControl(TMControl) do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TLabel then continue; Result := Result + CommonGetSingleFilter(Controls[i], EquTag, LikeTag, FieldTag, MFields); end; end; end; MFields.Free; if Trim(Result) <> '' then Result := Trim(RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 4)); end; function CommonGetSingleFilter(MyControl: TControl; EquTag, LikeTag, FieldTag: Integer; MFields: TStringList): string; var MValue, MField, MResult: string; MTag: Integer; begin MResult := ''; if MyControl is TEdit then begin if Trim(TEdit(MyControl).Text) <> '' then begin if FieldTag = 1 then MField := MyControl.Hint else MField := MyControl.Name; MValue := Trim(TEdit(MyControl).Text); MTag := MyControl.Tag; end; end else if MyControl is TcxTextEdit then begin if Trim(TcxTextEdit(MyControl).Text) <> '' then begin if FieldTag = 1 then MField := MyControl.Hint else MField := MyControl.Name; MValue := Trim(TcxTextEdit(MyControl).Text); MTag := MyControl.Tag; end; end else if MyControl is TComboBox then begin if Trim(TComboBox(MyControl).Text) <> '' then begin if FieldTag = 1 then MField := MyControl.Hint else MField := MyControl.Name; MValue := Trim(TComboBox(MyControl).Text); MTag := MyControl.Tag; end; end else if MyControl is TcxComboBox then begin if Trim(TcxComboBox(MyControl).Text) <> '' then begin if FieldTag = 1 then MField := MyControl.Hint else MField := MyControl.Name; MValue := Trim(TcxComboBox(MyControl).Text); MTag := MyControl.Tag; end; end; if MValue <> '' then begin if MFields.Count = 0 then begin if MTag = EquTag then MResult := MResult + 'and ' + MField + '=' + quotedStr(MValue) else if MTag = LikeTag then MResult := MResult + 'and ' + MField + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + MValue + '%'); end else begin if MFields.IndexOf(MField) >= 0 then begin if MTag = EquTag then MResult := MResult + 'and ' + MField + '=' + quotedStr(MValue) else if MTag = LikeTag then MResult := MResult + 'and ' + MField + ' like ' + quotedStr('%' + MValue + '%'); end; end; end; Result := MResult; end; /////////////////////////////// procedure CDSDataFilter(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBTableView; JsonArgs: string); var JSONObject: TJSONObject; begin JSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JsonArgs) as TJSONObject; if ADO1.Active then begin Tv1.BeginUpdate(); SDofilter(ADO1, JSONObject.S['FilterStr']); SCreateCDS(ADO1, CDS1); SInitCDSData(ADO1, CDS1); Tv1.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure CDSDataFilter(ADO1: TADOQuery; CDS1: TclientDataSet; Tv1: TcxGridDBBandedTableView; JsonArgs: string); var JSONObject: TJSONObject; begin JSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JsonArgs) as TJSONObject; if ADO1.Active then begin Tv1.BeginUpdate(); SDofilter(ADO1, JSONObject.S['FilterStr']); SCreateCDS(ADO1, CDS1); SInitCDSData(ADO1, CDS1); Tv1.EndUpdate; end; end; ////////////////////////////// //是否能删除数据记录 function isCanDataDelete(mFillerId:string='';mfiller:string=''):boolean; begin result:=false; if (mFillerId=dcode) or (mfiller=dname) or (pos(mfiller,gTeamWorker)>0) then begin result:=true; end; end; //////////////////////////////// //是否能修改数据记录 function isCanDataEdit(mFillerId:string='';mfiller:string=''):boolean; begin result:=false; if (mFillerId=dcode) or (mfiller=dname)or (pos(mfiller,gTeamWorker)>0) then begin result:=true; end; end; end.