unit dsr; interface uses SysUtils, StrUtils, Forms, Classes, DB, ADODB, Grids, DBGrids, Messages; var CanLCCL :Boolean; V_User,V_UserID :string; TmpHandle :THandle; cnn_Base :TAdoConnection; function SplitString(STR_Source :string; STR_Split:string):TStringList; procedure DoAbnormalC(H: THandle;AConn: TADOConnection;UID: String; UName: String;TRCarNo: String);stdcall;external 'frabnml.dll'; { procedure DoRinseprt(H: THandle;//调用窗口句柄 AConn: TADOConnection;//ADO连接 UID: String;//操作员号 UName: String;//操作员名 Machine: String;//机台编号 Task: String//任务序次 );stdcall; } procedure DoRinseprt(H: THandle;AConn: TADOConnection;UID:String; UName :String; Machine:String; Task:String); stdcall; external 'rinsepf.dll'; procedure Set_NextControl( Pass_Form: TCustomForm;var Key:Char); function checkfunc(handle: Integer; DogFlag: String): Integer; stdcall; external 'FUTONG.DLL'; //检查硬件狗函数 // handle为主窗口句柄 // DogFlag为从数据库中查询到的硬件狗信息 // DLL自动检查硬件狗和DogFlag的信息是否相符,不符时将在3分钟左右自动重启计算机 function GetParm(flag: Integer; out len: Integer; outHex: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; external 'FUTONG.DLL'; //硬件狗中获取特定信息,如IP地址,数据库名称,用户名、口令等 //自定义参数flag取值范围为0--4,存储空间一共为20个字节,为连续的地址空间 //也即:参数0,最大可用长度为20,这时其他参数,将覆盖这个区域 // 参数4,最大可用长度为4 //DogFlag为字符串信息 function SetParm(flag, len: Integer; inHex: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; external 'FUTONG.DLL'; //flag=5IP,=6User,=7Pass,=8DB //硬件狗中设置参数,传入IP时,须设置为 “C8A00164”等形式传入( //自定义参数用法同上 function InfoFunc(order: Integer; info: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; external 'FUTONG.DLL'; //读取本机硬件信息,返回值为机器网卡个数 //考虑到某些可移动的网卡,要查询固定的网卡信息 //软件安装时要求移除可移动网卡 //order为第几块网卡,从0开始 function GetHostIpAddr(DogParm, HostName, IPAddr: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; external 'FUTONG.DLL'; //获取硬件狗标识,本机IP地址(仅参考,因为机器有多个IP地址,获取的只是其中之一) //以及机器名称 function PBEncode(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; function PBEncode1(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; function PBDecode(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; implementation function SplitString(STR_Source :string; STR_Split:string):TStringList; var temp:String; i:Integer; begin Result:=TStringList.Create; //如果是空自符串则返回空列表 if trim(STR_Source) = '' then exit; temp:=STR_Source; i:=pos(STR_Split,STR_Source); while i <> 0 do begin Result.add(copy(temp,0,i-1)); Delete(temp,1,i+length(STR_Split)-1); //如果STR_Split长度大于1的话,原来的只删除STR_Split字符的第一个. i:=pos(STR_Split,temp); end; Result.add(temp); end; procedure Set_NextControl( Pass_Form: TCustomForm;var Key:Char); label labe_A; begin if key=#13 then if not (Pass_Form.ActiveControl is TDbgrid) Then Begin key:=#0; Pass_Form.perform(WM_NEXTDLGCTL,0,0); end else if (Pass_Form.ActiveControl is TDbgrid) Then begin With TDbgrid(Pass_Form.ActiveControl) Do begin labe_A: if Selectedindex<(FieldCount-1) then Selectedindex:=Selectedindex+1 else Selectedindex:=0; if not Columns[Selectedindex].Visible then goto labe_A; end; end; end; function PBEncode(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; var table: array[0..63] of AnsiChar; c80, c81, c82, c6: AnsiChar; i, k, len: Integer; Tmpbuf: array[0..255] of AnsiChar; begin table := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; if (nInLen*4)>(nOutLen*3+3) then Result := 1; k := nInLen div 3; len := k*4; for i:=0 to k-1 do begin c80 := Inbuf[i*3]; c6 := Char(Integer(c80) shr 2); Tmpbuf[i*4] := table[Integer(c6) and $3f]; c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); c81 := Inbuf[i*3+1]; c6 := Char((Integer(c81) shr 4) and $0f); Tmpbuf[i*4+1] := table[Integer(c80) or Integer(c6)]; c81 := Char((Integer(c81) shl 2) and $3c); c82 := Inbuf[i*3+2]; c6 := Char((Integer(c82) shr 6) and $03); Tmpbuf[i*4+2] := table[Integer(c81) or Integer(c6)]; Tmpbuf[i*4+3] := table[Integer(c82) and $3f]; end; i := nInLen mod 3; k := nInLen div 3; if i<>0 then begin len := len+4; c80 := Inbuf[k*3]; c6 := Char(Integer(c80) shr 2); Tmpbuf[k*4] := table[Integer(c6) and $3f]; if k=1 then begin c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); Tmpbuf[k*4+1] := table[Integer(c80)]; Tmpbuf[k*4+2] := '='; end else begin c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); c81 := Inbuf[k*3+1]; c6 := Char((Integer(c81) shr 4) and $0f); Tmpbuf[k*4+1] := table[Integer(c80) or Integer(c6)]; c81 := Char((Integer(c81) shl 2) and $3c); Tmpbuf[k*4+2] := table[Integer(c81)]; end; Tmpbuf[k*4+3] := '='; end; Tmpbuf[len] := #0; Outbuf := Tmpbuf; Result := len; end; function PBEncode1(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; var table: array[0..63] of AnsiChar; c80, c81, c82, c6: AnsiChar; i, k, len: Integer; Tmpbuf: array[0..255] of AnsiChar; begin table := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; if (nInLen*4)>(nOutLen*3+3) then Result := 1; k := nInLen div 3; len := k*4; for i:=0 to k-1 do begin c80 := Inbuf[i*3]; c6 := Char(Integer(c80) shr 2); Tmpbuf[i*4] := table[Integer(c6) and $3f]; c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); c81 := Inbuf[i*3+1]; c6 := Char((Integer(c81) shr 4) and $0f); Tmpbuf[i*4+1] := table[Integer(c80) or Integer(c6)]; c81 := Char((Integer(c81) shl 2) and $3c); c82 := Inbuf[i*3+2]; c6 := Char((Integer(c82) shr 6) and $03); Tmpbuf[i*4+2] := table[Integer(c81) or Integer(c6)]; Tmpbuf[i*4+3] := table[Integer(c82) and $3f]; end; i := nInLen mod 3; k := nInLen div 3; if i<>0 then begin len := len+4; c80 := Inbuf[k*3]; c6 := Char(Integer(c80) shr 2); Tmpbuf[k*4] := table[Integer(c6) and $3f]; if i=1 then begin c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); Tmpbuf[k*4+1] := table[Integer(c80)]; Tmpbuf[k*4+2] := '='; end else begin c80 := Char((Integer(c80) shl 4) and $30); c81 := Inbuf[k*3+1]; c6 := Char((Integer(c81) shr 4) and $0f); Tmpbuf[k*4+1] := table[Integer(c80) or Integer(c6)]; c81 := Char((Integer(c81) shl 2) and $3c); Tmpbuf[k*4+2] := table[Integer(c81)]; end; Tmpbuf[k*4+3] := '='; end; Tmpbuf[len] := #0; Outbuf := Tmpbuf; Result := len; end; function PBDecode(Inbuf: PAnsiChar; out Outbuf: AnsiString; nInLen: Word; nOutLen: Word): Integer; var pBufIn: PAnsiChar; szBufTmp: array[0..255] of AnsiChar; i, dwCoded, nprbytes, nbytesdecoded: Integer; pszCoded: PAnsiChar; szBufout: array[0..255] of AnsiChar; pszBufout: PAnsiChar; pr2six: array[0..255] of Word; begin for i := 0 to 42 do pr2six[i] := 64; pr2six[43] := 62; for i := 44 to 46 do pr2six[i] := 64; pr2six[47] := 63; for i := 48 to 57 do pr2six[i] := i+4; for i := 58 to 64 do pr2six[i] := 64; for i := 65 to 90 do pr2six[i] := i-65; for i := 91 to 96 do pr2six[i] := 64; for i := 97 to 122 do pr2six[i] := i-71; for i := 123 to 255 do pr2six[i] := 64; dwCoded := nInlen; pszCoded := Inbuf; while (dwCoded>0) and (pszCoded=' ') do begin Inc(pszCoded); Dec(dwCoded); end; if dwCoded>(350-4) then result := 1; StrLCopy(szBufTmp, pszCoded, dwCoded); szBufTmp[dwCoded] := #0; szBufTmp[dwCoded+1] := #0; szBufTmp[dwCoded+2] := #0; szBufTmp[dwCoded+3] := #0; pBufIn := szBufTmp; repeat i := pr2six[Integer(pBufIn^)]; Inc(pBufIn); until i>63; nprbytes := pBufin-szBufTmp-1; nbytesdecoded := ((nprbytes+3) div 4)*3; if nOutLen(256-4) then result := 2; pszBufout := szBufout; pBufin := szBufTmp; while nprbytes>0 do begin pszBufout^ := Char((pr2six[Integer(pBufin[0])] shl 2) or ((pr2six[Integer(pBufin[1])] shr 4))); Inc(pszBufout); pszBufout^ := Char((pr2six[Integer(pBufin[1])] shl 4) or ((pr2six[Integer(pBufin[2])] shr 2))); Inc(pszBufout); pszBufout^ := Char((pr2six[Integer(pBufin[2])] shl 6) or (pr2six[Integer(pBufin[3])])); Inc(pszBufout); Inc(pBufin, 4); Dec(nprbytes, 4); end; if (nprbytes and $03) <> 0 then begin if pr2six[Integer(pBufin[-2])]>63 then Dec(nbytesdecoded, 2) else Dec(nbytesdecoded); end; szBufout[nbytesdecoded] := #0; Outbuf := szBufout; result := nbytesdecoded; end; end.