unit U_ControlData; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ToolWin, ShlObj, cxShellCommon, cxControls, cxDropDownEdit, cxContainer, cxShellTreeView, cxShellListView, StdCtrls, BtnEdit, OleCtnrs, DB, ADODB,ZLib; function InitDevCombobox(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; combobox: TcxCombobox; mFlag: string; selFlag:Boolean=true): Boolean; implementation /// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数功能:取流水号 // mFlag:前缀;mTable:表名 // mlen:流水号长度; mtype:是否带日期 1:带 0 不带 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////// function InitDevCombobox(ADOQueryTmp: TADOQuery; combobox: TcxCombobox; mFlag: string; selFlag:Boolean=true): Boolean; begin Result := false; try with ADOQueryTmp do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select a.itemText from SY_Dict_Item a'); sql.Add(' inner join SY_Dict b on b.dictId=a.dictId'); sql.Add(' where b.dictcode='+QuotedStr(mFlag)); sql.Add('and a.valid=1 and b.valid=1'); sql.Add('order by b.sortorder'); Open; if IsEmpty then begin application.MessageBox(PWideChar('未定义等级对应的字段字典数据(' + mFlag + ')'),'',0); Exit; end; combobox.Properties.Items.Clear; first; while not eof do begin combobox.Properties.Items.Add(trim(FieldByName('itemText').AsString)); next; end; if selFlag and (combobox.Properties.Items.Count>0) then begin combobox.ItemIndex:=0; end; end; except raise Exception.Create(PWideChar('获取等级字段字典数据(' + mFlag + ')时,发生错误!')); end; end; end.