unit U_DyeMachInsp; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, StrUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, cxStyles, cxCustomData, cxGraphics, cxFilter, cxData, cxDataStorage, cxEdit, DB, cxDBData, cxCalendar, cxGridLevel, cxGridCustomTableView, cxGridTableView, cxGridDBTableView, cxClasses, cxControls, cxGridCustomView, cxGrid, RM_Common, RM_Class, RM_GridReport, RM_System, RM_Dataset, ADODB, DBClient, cxGridCustomPopupMenu, cxGridPopupMenu, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ToolWin, cxTextEdit, Buttons, cxSplitter, cxCheckBox, MovePanel, cxLookAndFeels, cxLookAndFeelPainters, cxNavigator, Menus, U_BaseList, dxSkinsCore, dxSkinsDefaultPainters, dxDateRanges, dxBarBuiltInMenu, cxContainer, cxImage, cxDBEdit, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, ShellAPI, IdFTP, FireDAC.Stan.StorageXML, cxPC, XMLDoc, XMLIntf, DateUtils; type TfrmDyeMachInsp = class(TfrmBaseList) cxStyleRepository1: TcxStyleRepository; cxStyle1: TcxStyle; cxStyle2: TcxStyle; GPM_1: TcxGridPopupMenu; ADOQueryMain: TADOQuery; ADOCmd: TADOQuery; RMDB_1: TRMDBDataSet; DS_2: TDataSource; CDS_2: TClientDataSet; ADOQueryPrint: TADOQuery; GPM_2: TcxGridPopupMenu; ADOQueryMainDSC: TADOQuery; Panel7: TPanel; AOrdDefNote1: TRichEdit; RM1: TRMGridReport; ADOTmp: TADOQuery; ScrollBox1: TScrollBox; SpeedButton13: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton14: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton15: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton16: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton17: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton18: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton21: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton22: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton23: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton24: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton25: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton26: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton29: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton30: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton31: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton32: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton33: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton34: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton37: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton38: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton39: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton40: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton41: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton42: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton45: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton46: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton47: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton48: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton50: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton51: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton54: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton55: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton56: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton57: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton58: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton59: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton62: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton63: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton64: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton65: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton66: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton67: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton70: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton71: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton72: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton73: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton74: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton75: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton19: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton20: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton27: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton28: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton35: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton36: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton43: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton44: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton52: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton53: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton60: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton61: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton68: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton69: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton76: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton77: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton78: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton79: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton80: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton81: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton82: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton83: TSpeedButton; CDS_3: TClientDataSet; DS_3: TDataSource; ADOQueryImage: TADOQuery; DataSource2: TDataSource; IdFTP1: TIdFTP; Panel4: TPanel; cxGrid3: TcxGrid; Tv3: TcxGridDBTableView; cxGridDBColumn1: TcxGridDBColumn; v3Column1: TcxGridDBColumn; v3Column4: TcxGridDBColumn; v3Column5: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridLevel2: TcxGridLevel; Panel3: TPanel; SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton11: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton12: TSpeedButton; Panel1: TPanel; Pic_Image1: TcxDBImage; Tv3Column1: TcxGridDBColumn; MovePanel1: TMovePanel; Label17: TLabel; Label18: TLabel; lblLenUnit1: TLabel; CIFBeg: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button4: TButton; CIFEnd: TEdit; CIFQty: TEdit; RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; Button2: TButton; Panel8: TPanel; cxDBImage1: TcxDBImage; DS_ImgHX: TDataSource; Qry_ImgHX: TADOQuery; Tv3Column3: TcxGridDBColumn; Tv3Column4: TcxGridDBColumn; cxStyle4: TcxStyle; cxPageControl1: TcxPageControl; cxTabSheet1: TcxTabSheet; 查看: TcxTabSheet; cxGrid2: TcxGrid; Tv2: TcxGridDBTableView; tv2CDType: TcxGridDBColumn; tv2CDWZ: TcxGridDBColumn; v2Column2: TcxGridDBColumn; Tv2CDQty: TcxGridDBColumn; Tv2CDReason: TcxGridDBColumn; v2Column1: TcxGridDBColumn; v2Column3: TcxGridDBColumn; v2Column4: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridLevel1: TcxGridLevel; cxGrid1: TcxGrid; TV1: TcxGridDBTableView; cxGridDBColumn2: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn3: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn4: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn5: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn6: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn7: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn8: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridDBColumn9: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGridLevel3: TcxGridLevel; DS_1: TDataSource; CDS_1: TClientDataSet; lblCIFName: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label8: TLabel; CIFNumber: TEdit; Panel9: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; lblLenUnit: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label11: TLabel; Label31: TLabel; InputLen: TEdit; InputWeight: TEdit; BTPrint: TButton; Button6: TButton; Button8: TButton; ToolBar2: TToolBar; ToolButton3: TToolButton; btnDel: TToolButton; ToolButton6: TToolButton; Label10: TLabel; Edit3: TEdit; Label12: TLabel; Edit4: TEdit; GPM_3: TcxGridPopupMenu; Panel6: TPanel; Label35: TLabel; Label16: TLabel; Label26: TLabel; edtChen: TEdit; edtMaBiao: TEdit; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Edit6: TEdit; Label6: TLabel; Panel10: TPanel; Label22: TLabel; Label13: TLabel; Label14: TLabel; Label23: TLabel; Label24: TLabel; Label25: TLabel; Label1: TLabel; Piece: TEdit; Qty: TEdit; PCId: TEdit; Color: TEdit; ColorNo: TEdit; CodeName: TEdit; edtScan: TEdit; ToolButton4: TToolButton; ToolButton7: TToolButton; ToolButton8: TToolButton; Label7: TLabel; edtMBDW: TEdit; ToolBar1: TToolBar; btnRK: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; btnCXRK: TToolButton; Label3: TLabel; Coefficient: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; MinLen: TEdit; Label15: TLabel; MinWeight: TEdit; MaxLen: TEdit; MaxWeight: TEdit; Label19: TLabel; MPlace: TEdit; Label20: TLabel; Label21: TLabel; YPlace: TEdit; Label27: TLabel; KgPlace: TEdit; Label28: TLabel; Label33: TLabel; Label34: TLabel; edtaixun: TEdit; lblRuleConversion: TLabel; Tare: TEdit; Button3: TButton; SpeedButton49: TSpeedButton; procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure Tv2CellDblClick(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACellViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; var AHandled: Boolean); procedure BTPrintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton13Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure edtScanKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure CIFBegClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CIFEndChange(Sender: TObject); procedure Edit3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Edit4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Edit6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MJstr3KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure InputWeightChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtScanClick(Sender: TObject); procedure NetWeightKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure edtChenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button8Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Tv3MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure edtYJClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cxDBImage1DblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Pic_Image1DblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Tv3CustomDrawCell(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean); procedure lblLenUnitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton8Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure btnCXRKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MinLenExit(Sender: TObject); procedure edtaixunClick(Sender: TObject); procedure InputLenChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton49Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FCIID, FOperationStatus, FCIFName, FWorkshop: string; FOrderNo, FMainId, FSubId, FPCId, FConNo, FConMId, FConSId: string; FBatchNO, FC_Code, FC_Name, FC_Spec, FC_Width, FC_GramWeight: string; FC_Color, FC_ColorNo, FC_StyleNo, FC_Pattern, FC_CustPattern, FC_ColorDepth, FFtyPCId, FGangNo: string; FLenUnit, FAddLen, FAddWet, FRuleBeforeTare, FRuleLaterTare: string; FPieceNo: Integer; IsCommopen: boolean; procedure SetINIFile(); //设置配置文件 procedure GetINIFile(); //设置长度单位 procedure SetUnit(MUnit: string); //设置长度单位 procedure SetDdetails(); //刷新详细信息 procedure InitCDPanel(); //刷新疵点选项 procedure InitCDGrid(MCIID: string); //刷新疵点登记信息 procedure InitCDGridCX(MCIID: string); //刷新疵点查询信息 procedure InitJYGrid(); //刷新检验信息 function CheckData(CKType: string): Boolean; //校验数据 function SaveData(): Boolean; //保存数据 procedure InitLCK(MPCId: string); //扫描流程卡 procedure InitJTM(MCIID: string); //扫描卷条码 procedure ClearGlobal(); //清除全局ID procedure PrtData(MCIID: string); //打印卷标签 procedure QuantityConversion(); //数量换算 procedure PrtMD(MInNo: string); //入库单打印 procedure InitImage(YFTPName: string); //图片 procedure InitImageHX(HXSID: string); procedure LookImage(FileName: string); procedure OpenCom(DllName: string); //打开串口 procedure CloseCom(DllName: string); //关闭串口 procedure On1201(var Message: Tmessage); message 1201; //电子称 procedure On1301(var Message: Tmessage); message 1301; //码表 procedure PrtAiXunData(MCIID: string); //爱讯 public fmanage: string; fFlileFlag: string; { Public declarations } end; var frmDyeMachInsp: TfrmDyeMachInsp; newh, newh1: hwnd; implementation uses U_DataLink, U_RTFun, U_ZDYHelp, U_iniParam; {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.PrtMD(MInNo: string); var fPrintFile, FLBName: string; begin with ADOQueryPrint do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' EXEC P_Dye_Cloth_In_Prt11 '); SQL.Add(' @Filtration=''' + Trim(MInNo) + ''''); Open; end; FLBName := '印染机台检验入库单'; ExportFtErpFile(FLBName + '.rmf', ADOTmp); fPrintFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Report\' + FLBName + '.rmf'; if FileExists(fPrintFile) then begin RM1.LoadFromFile(fPrintFile); RM1.DefaultCopies := strtointdef(trim(ComboBox1.Text), 1); RM1.PrintReport; end else begin Application.MessageBox(PChar('没有找' + fPrintFile), '提示', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.PrtAiXunData(MCIID: string); var xml: TXmlDocument; xmlNode: IxmlNode; begin with ADOQueryPrint do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' EXEC P_Dye_Insp_Prt_Lab '); SQL.Add(' @CIID=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''''); Open; end; xml := TXmlDocument.Create(nil); try xml.Active := True; // xml.Version := '1.0'; // xml.Encoding := 'UTF-8'; xml.DocumentElement := xml.CreateElement('Barcode', ''); /////////////////////////////XML模板///////////////////////////////////////////// xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('TemplateNumber'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode('035', ntText)); //模板编号 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('BarcodeTitle'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode('E同布业', ntText)); //抬头 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('ProductName'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_Name').AsString), ntText)); //品名 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('ColorCode'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_ColorNo').AsString) + Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_Color').AsString), ntText)); //颜色 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('ColorNumber'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_ColorNo').AsString), ntText)); //色号 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('BatchNO'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('BatchNO').AsString), ntText)); //批号 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('Quantity'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('GrossWeight').AsString), ntText)); //数量 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('ProductUnit'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode('Kg', ntText)); //单位 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('VolumeNumber'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('PieceNo').AsString), ntText)); //卷号 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('Breadth'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_Width').AsString), ntText)); //幅宽 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('Grammage'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_GramWeight').AsString), ntText)); //克重 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('Composition'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_composition').AsString), ntText)); //成分 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('DateMark'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('Filltime').AsString), ntText)); //时间 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('OrderNumber'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('PCID').AsString), ntText)); //订单号 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('FirstRemark'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode('备注!', ntText)); //备注 xmlNode := xml.DocumentElement.AddChild('Remark'); xmlNode.ChildNodes.Add(xml.CreateNode(Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_Width').AsString) + Trim(ADOQueryPrint.FieldByName('C_GramWeight').AsString), ntText)); //行备注 xml.SaveToFile('D:\aixun\' + inttostr(DateTimeToUnix(Now)) + '.xml'); // xml.SaveToFile('D:\aixun1\' + inttostr(DateTimeToUnix(Now)) + '.xml'); finally xmlNode := nil; xml.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SetINIFile(); begin if edtChen.Text = '√' then IsDZCDYDll := '1' else IsDZCDYDll := '0'; if edtMaBiao.Text = '√' then IsMBDYDll := '1' else IsMBDYDll := '0'; if edtMBDW.Text = '√' then IsMBDYDllUnit := '1' else IsMBDYDllUnit := '0'; LabQty := ComboBox1.Text; FMinLen := MinLen.Text; FMaxLen := MaxLen.Text; FMinWeight := MinWeight.Text; FMaxWeight := MaxWeight.Text; FMPlace := MPlace.Text; FYPlace := YPlace.Text; FKgPlace := KgPlace.Text; WriteINIFile(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.GetINIFile(); begin if IsDZCDYDll = '1' then edtChen.Text := '√' else edtChen.Text := ''; if IsMBDYDll = '1' then edtMaBiao.Text := '√' else edtMaBiao.Text := ''; if IsMBDYDllUnit = '1' then edtMBDW.Text := '√' else edtMBDW.Text := ''; ComboBox1.ItemIndex := ComboBox1.Items.IndexOf(trim(LabQty)); MinLen.Text := FMinLen; MaxLen.Text := FMaxLen; MinWeight.Text := FMinWeight; MaxWeight.Text := FMaxWeight; MPlace.Text := FMPlace; YPlace.Text := FYPlace; KgPlace.Text := FKgPlace; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SetDdetails(); begin AOrdDefNote1.Text := ''; AOrdDefNote1.Text := AOrdDefNote1.Text + '卡号:' + FPCId + #13; AOrdDefNote1.Text := AOrdDefNote1.Text + '品名:' + FC_Name + #13; AOrdDefNote1.Text := AOrdDefNote1.Text + '颜色:' + FC_Color + #13; AOrdDefNote1.Text := AOrdDefNote1.Text + '色号:' + FC_ColorNo + #13; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SetUnit(MUnit: string); begin lblLenUnit.Caption := MUnit; lblLenUnit1.Caption := MUnit; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitImage(YFTPName: string); begin // with ADOQueryImage do // begin // close; // sql.Clear; // sql.Add('select * from TC_File A'); // sql.Add('where isnull(WBID,'''')<>'''' and WBID=' + quotedstr(YFTPName)); //// showmessage(sql.text); // open; // end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitImageHX(HXSID: string); begin // with Qry_ImgHX do // begin // close; // sql.Clear; // sql.Add('select * from TC_File A'); // sql.Add('where isnull(WBID,'''')<>'''' and WBID=' + quotedstr(HXSID)); //// ShowMessage(SQL.Text); // open; // end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.QuantityConversion(); begin if lblRuleConversion.Caption = '米转公斤' then begin InputWeight.Text := floattostr(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0) * StrToFloatdef(trim(Coefficient.Text), 0) + StrToFloatdef(FRuleBeforeTare, 0)); end; if lblRuleConversion.Caption = '毛重转米' then begin InputLen.Text := floattostr((StrToFloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0) + StrToFloatdef(FAddWet, 0) + StrToFloatdef(FRuleLaterTare, 0)) * StrToFloatdef(trim(Coefficient.Text), 0)); end; if lblRuleConversion.Caption = '净重转米' then begin InputLen.Text := floattostr((RoundFloat(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0), 1) - StrToFloatdef(FRuleBeforeTare, 0)) * StrToFloatdef(trim(Coefficient.Text), 0)); end; end; function TfrmDyeMachInsp.CheckData(CKType: string): Boolean; var mvalue: Double; begin try if Trim(FPCId) = '' then raise Exception.Create('请扫描流程卡!'); if Trim(CKType) = '提交' then begin if trim(lblLenUnit.Caption) = '' then raise Exception.Create('长度单位不能为空!'); if Trim(InputWeight.Text) <> '' then begin if TryStrToFloat(InputWeight.Text, mvalue) = False then raise Exception.Create('重量录入错误!'); if strtofloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0) < Strtofloatdef(MinWeight.Text, 0) then raise Exception.Create('重量不能小于' + MinWeight.Text + '!'); if strtofloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0) > Strtofloatdef(MaxWeight.Text, 0) then raise Exception.Create('重量不能大于' + MaxWeight.Text + '!'); end; if Trim(InputLen.Text) <> '' then begin if TryStrToFloat(InputLen.Text, mvalue) = False then raise Exception.Create('长度录入错误!'); if strtofloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0) < Strtofloatdef(MinLen.Text, 0) then raise Exception.Create('长度不能小于' + MinLen.Text + '米!'); if strtofloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0) > Strtofloatdef(MaxLen.Text, 0) then raise Exception.Create('长度不能大于' + MaxLen.Text + '米!'); end; if (strtofloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0) = 0) and (strtofloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0) = 0) then raise Exception.Create('长度和重量不能都为0!!'); end; Result := True; except Result := false; application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ClearGlobal(); begin FOrderNo := ''; FConNo := ''; FConMId := ''; FConSId := ''; FMainId := ''; FSubId := ''; FPCId := ''; FC_CustPattern := ''; FC_ColorDepth := ''; FFtyPCId := ''; FGangNo := ''; FC_Code := ''; FC_Name := ''; FBatchNO := ''; FC_Spec := ''; FC_Color := ''; FC_ColorNo := ''; FC_StyleNo := ''; FC_Width := ''; FC_GramWeight := ''; FC_Pattern := ''; FCIID := ''; FWorkshop := ''; InputLen.Text := ''; InputWeight.Text := ''; Coefficient.Text := ''; AOrdDefNote1.Text := ''; Tare.Text := ''; FAddLen := ''; FAddWet := ''; FRuleBeforeTare := ''; FRuleLaterTare := ''; FLenUnit := ''; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.LookImage(FileName: string); var sFieldName: string; begin sFieldName := leftbstr(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName), 1) + ':\图片查看'; if not DirectoryExists(pchar(sFieldName)) then CreateDirectory(pchar(sFieldName), nil); sFieldName := sFieldName + '\' + trim(FileName); try IdFTP1.Host := ReadINIFileStr('SYSTEMSET.INI', 'SERVER', '服务器地址', ''); IdFTP1.Username := 'three'; IdFTP1.Password := '641010'; IdFTP1.Connect(); except ; end; if IdFTP1.Connected then begin try IdFTP1.Get(fFlileFlag + '\' + Trim(FileName), sFieldName, true, false); except Application.MessageBox('客户图样文件不存在', '提示', MB_ICONWARNING); IdFTP1.Quit; Exit; end; end else begin Application.MessageBox('无法连接文件服务器', '提示', MB_ICONWARNING); IdFTP1.Quit; Exit; end; if IdFTP1.Connected then IdFTP1.Quit; ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(sFieldName), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Pic_Image1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if TcxDBImage(Sender).Picture.Height = 0 then exit; LookImage(ADOQueryImage.fieldbyname(TcxDBImage(Sender).Hint).asstring); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitLCK(MPCId: string); begin with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('EXEC P_Dye_Insp_Get_PlanCard @PCID=''' + Trim(MPCId) + ''''); Open; end; if ADOTmp.IsEmpty = False then begin if Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('Status').AsString) <> '9' then begin application.MessageBox('流程卡不在已审核状态!', '提示信息', MB_ICONERROR); ClearGlobal(); end else begin // InitImage(Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('YFTPName').AsString)); // InitImageHX(Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('HXSID').AsString)); FLenUnit := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('LenUnit').AsString); SetUnit(FLenUnit); FConNo := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('ConNo').AsString); FOrderNo := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('OrderNo').AsString); FMainId := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('MainId').AsString); FSubId := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('SubId').AsString); FPCId := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('PCId').AsString); FC_ColorDepth := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_ColorDepth').AsString); FWorkshop := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('Workshop').AsString); FC_Code := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Code').AsString); FC_Name := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Name').AsString); FC_Spec := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Spec').AsString); FC_Color := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Color').AsString); FC_ColorNo := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_ColorNo').AsString); FC_Width := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Width').AsString); FC_GramWeight := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_GramWeight').AsString); FC_Pattern := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('C_Pattern').AsString); Coefficient.Text := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('Coefficient').AsString); CodeName.Text := FC_Name; ColorNo.Text := FC_ColorNo; Color.Text := FC_Color; PCId.Text := FPCId; Piece.Text := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('PCPiece').AsString); Qty.Text := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('PCQty').AsString) + Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('PCUnit').AsString); Tare.Text := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('RuleLaterTare').AsString); lblRuleConversion.Caption := Trim(ADOTmp.fieldbyname('RuleConversion').AsString); FAddLen := ADOTmp.fieldbyname('AddLen').AsString; FAddWet := ADOTmp.fieldbyname('AddWet').AsString; FRuleBeforeTare := ADOTmp.fieldbyname('RuleBeforeTare').AsString; FRuleLaterTare := ADOTmp.fieldbyname('RuleLaterTare').AsString; SetDdetails(); InputWeight.SetFocus; CIFBegClick(InputWeight); end; end else begin application.MessageBox('流程卡不存在!', '提示信息', MB_ICONERROR); ClearGlobal(); end; InitJYGrid(); InitCDGrid(FCIID); edtScan.Text := ''; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitJTM(MCIID: string); begin with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_IO where StkId=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''' and IOFlag=''入库'''); Open; end; if not ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin Application.MessageBox('已产生入库数据不能操作!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_IO where StkId=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''' and IOFlag=''出库'''); Open; end; if not ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin Application.MessageBox('已产生出库数据不能操作!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect where CIID=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''''); Open; end; if not ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin FOperationStatus := '卷条码'; FCIID := MCIID; InitCDGrid(MCIID); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.CloseCom(DllName: string); type TMyFunc = function(sCommName: PAnsiChar): HWND; stdcall; var Tf1: TMyFunc; Tp1: TFarProc; Th1: Thandle; begin Th1 := LoadLibrary(Pchar(trim(DllName))); if Th1 > 0 then begin try Tp1 := GetProcAddress(Th1, 'CommClose'); if Tp1 <> nil then begin Tf1 := TMyFunc(Tp1); newh1 := Tf1('Comm1'); end else begin end; finally // FreeLibrary(Th1); end; end else begin application.MessageBox(Pchar('找不到 ' + trim(DllName) + ' 文件!'), '提示'); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); begin SetINIFile(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.OpenCom(DllName: string); type TMyFunc = function(fhandle: hwnd; sCommName: PAnsiChar; IntTime: integer; IsMessage: integer): HWND; stdcall; var Tf: TMyFunc; Tp: TFarProc; Th: Thandle; begin // closeCom(FComFile); Th := LoadLibrary(Pchar(trim(DllName))); if Th > 0 then begin try Tp := GetProcAddress(Th, 'CommOpen'); if Tp <> nil then begin Tf := TMyFunc(Tp); newh := Tf(self.Handle, 'Comm1', 500, 1); if newh < 1 then begin application.MessageBox(Pchar('打开串口失败!'), '提示'); end else IsCommOpen := true; end else begin IsCommOpen := false; end; finally // FreeLibrary(Th); end; end else begin IsCommOpen := false; application.MessageBox(Pchar('找不到 ' + trim(DllName) + ' 文件!'), '提示'); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; frmDyeMachInsp := nil; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.On1301(var Message: Tmessage); var i1, i2: integer; unitname: string; fdata: double; begin i1 := Message.WParam; i2 := Message.LParam; if (trim(edtMaBiao.Text) = '√') then begin InputLen.Text := format('%.2f', [i1 / 100000]); end; if (trim(edtMBDW.Text) = '√') then begin if i2 = 0 then begin SetUnit('M'); end else begin SetUnit('Y'); end; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.On1201(var Message: Tmessage); var i1, i2: integer; unitname: string; fdata: double; begin i1 := Message.WParam; i2 := Message.LParam; if trim(edtChen.Text) = '√' then begin InputWeight.Text := format('%.2f', [i1 / 100000]); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin inherited; if isCommopen then begin closeCom(DZCDYDllName); closeCom(MBDYDllName); end; Action := caFree; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitCDGrid(MCIID: string); begin cxPageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0; with ADOTmp do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw where CIID=' + quotedstr(Trim(MCIID))); Open; end; SCreateCDS(ADOTmp, CDS_2); SInitCDSData(ADOTmp, CDS_2); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitCDGridCX(MCIID: string); begin cxPageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 1; with ADOTmp do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw where CIID=' + quotedstr(Trim(MCIID))); Open; end; SCreateCDS(ADOTmp, CDS_1); SInitCDSData(ADOTmp, CDS_1); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitJYGrid(); var MNetWeight, MJYLen: double; begin with ADOQueryMain do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select A.*'); sql.Add('from Dye_Cloth_Inspect A where PCId=''' + Trim(FPCId) + ''''); // sql.Add('and convert(varchar(10),filltime,120)=convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)'); sql.Add('order by filltime desc'); // ShowMessage(SQL.Text); Open; end; SCreateCDS(ADOQueryMain, CDS_3); SInitCDSData(ADOQueryMain, CDS_3); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; ReadCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv1', Tv1, '贸易检验管理'); ReadCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv2', Tv2, '贸易检验管理'); ReadCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv3', Tv3, '贸易检验管理'); fFlileFlag := UserDataFlag + 'HX'; InitCDPanel(); InitCDGrid(FCIID); if IsINIFile() then ReadINIFile() else WriteINIFile; GetINIFile(); if trim(fmanage) <> '高权限' then begin if trim(DZCDYDllName) <> '' then OpenCom(DZCDYDllName); if trim(MBDYDllName) <> '' then OpenCom(MBDYDllName); edtScan.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InitCDPanel(); var AA: array[0..100] of string; i, j: Integer; begin with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select ZDYName from KH_Zdy where Type=''WFBCD'' order by ZDYNO '); Open; end; if ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin Application.MessageBox('没有定义疵点!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; with ADOTmp do begin First; i := 0; while not Eof do begin AA[i] := Trim(fieldbyname('ZDYName').AsString); i := i + 1; Next; end; end; i := i - 1; if i > 69 then begin i := 69; end; for j := 0 to i do begin with ScrollBox1 do begin TSpeedButton(Controls[j]).Visible := True; TSpeedButton(Controls[j]).Hint := AA[j]; if Length(AA[j]) > 4 then begin TSpeedButton(Controls[j]).Caption := Copy(Trim(AA[j]), 1, 4) + #13 + Copy(Trim(AA[j]), 5, Length(AA[j]) - 4); end else TSpeedButton(Controls[j]).Caption := AA[j]; end; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Tv2CellDblClick(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACellViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; var AHandled: Boolean); begin if CDS_2.IsEmpty then Exit; // if FOperationStatus = '缸条码' then // Exit; if Application.MessageBox('确定要删除数据吗?', '提示', 32 + 4) <> IDYES then Exit; if Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString) = '' then begin CDS_2.Delete; end else begin with ADOCmd do begin Close; SQL.Clear; // sql.Add('insert ZDel_Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw into select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw where CIFID=''' + Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString) + ''''); sql.Add('delete Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw where CIFID=''' + Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString) + ''''); ExecSQL; end; //更新疵点信息 with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Insp_Up @CIID=''' + Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString) + ''''); sql.Add(',@InspType=' + QuotedStr('单卷修改')); execsql; end; CDS_2.Delete; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Tv3CustomDrawCell(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean); begin if AViewInfo.GridRecord.Values[TcxGridDBTableView(Sender).GetColumnByFieldName('Grade').Index] = '次品' then ACanvas.Brush.Color := clRed; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Tv3MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if CDS_3.isEmpty then exit; InitCDGridCX(CDS_3.FieldByName('CIID').AsString); end; function TfrmDyeMachInsp.SaveData(): Boolean; var maxno, MCIID, BZID, strsql: string; MInputLen, MMeter, MYardage: Double; MInputWeight, MGrossWeight, MNetWeight, MTare, MRuleBeforeTare, MRuleLaterTare, MAddWet: Double; begin if FOperationStatus = '卷条码' then begin MCIID := FCIID; end else begin MCIID := ''; end; try ADOCmd.Connection.BeginTrans; ///保存主表 with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; SQL.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect where CIID=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''''); Open; end; with ADOCmd do begin if Trim(MCIID) = '' then begin if not GetLSNo(ADOTmp, maxno, 'D' + Trim(SCXFlag), 'Dye_Cloth_Inspect', 4, 1) then raise Exception.Create('获取条码失败!'); Append; FieldByName('Filler').Value := Trim(DName); FieldByName('CIID').Value := Trim(maxno); end else begin maxno := Trim(MCIID); Edit; FieldByName('Editer').Value := Trim(DName); FieldByName('EditTime').Value := SGetServerDateTime(ADOTmp); end; FieldByName('Coefficient').Value := StrToFloatdef(trim(Coefficient.Text), 0); //系数 ///////////////////////// 保存重量 ///////////////////////// MRuleBeforeTare := StrToFloatdef(FRuleBeforeTare, 0); MRuleLaterTare := StrToFloatdef(FRuleLaterTare, 0); MAddWet := StrToFloatdef(FAddWet, 0); MTare := MRuleBeforeTare + MRuleLaterTare + MAddWet; //皮重 MInputWeight := RoundFloat(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputWeight.Text), 0), StrTointdef(KgPlace.Text, 0)); //毛重 MGrossWeight := MInputWeight + MRuleLaterTare + MAddWet; //毛重 MNetWeight := MInputWeight - MRuleBeforeTare; //净重 FieldByName('InputWeight').Value := MInputWeight; FieldByName('GrossWeight').Value := MGrossWeight; FieldByName('NetWeight').Value := MNetWeight; FieldByName('Tare').Value := MTare; ///////////////////////// 保存重量 ///////////////////////// /// ///////////////////////// 保存长度 ///////////////////////// MInputLen := RoundFloat(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0), 2); if lblLenUnit.Caption = 'M' then begin MMeter := RoundFloat(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0), StrTointdef(MPlace.Text, 0)); MYardage := RoundFloat(MMeter / 0.9144, StrTointdef(YPlace.Text, 0)); end else begin MYardage := RoundFloat((StrToFloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0)), StrTointdef(YPlace.Text, 0)); MMeter := RoundFloat(MYardage * 0.9144, StrTointdef(MPlace.Text, 0)); end; FieldByName('InputLen').Value := RoundFloat(StrToFloatdef(trim(InputLen.Text), 0), 2); FieldByName('Meter').Value := MMeter; FieldByName('Yardage').Value := MYardage; FieldByName('LenUnit').Value := TRIM(lblLenUnit.Caption); ///////////////////////// 保存长度 ///////////////////////// if FOperationStatus <> '卷条码' then begin if Trim(Edit3.Text) <> '' then begin FieldByName('Grade').Value := '正品'; end; if Trim(Edit4.Text) <> '' then begin FieldByName('Grade').Value := '次品'; end; FieldByName('PieceNo').Value := 0; end; FieldByName('OrderNo').value := Trim(FOrderNo); FieldByName('MainId').value := Trim(FMainId); FieldByName('SubId').value := Trim(FSubId); FieldByName('ConNo').value := Trim(FConNo); FieldByName('ConMId').value := Trim(FConMId); FieldByName('ConSId').value := Trim(FConSId); FieldByName('Workshop').value := Trim(FWorkshop); FieldByName('CIIOFlag').Value := '未入库'; FieldByName('PCId').value := FPCId; FieldByName('C_Code').value := FC_Code; FieldByName('C_Name').value := FC_Name; FieldByName('BatchNO').value := FBatchNO; FieldByName('C_Spec').value := FC_Spec; FieldByName('C_Color').value := FC_Color; FieldByName('C_ColorNo').value := FC_ColorNo; FieldByName('C_StyleNo').value := FC_StyleNo; FieldByName('C_Width').value := FC_Width; FieldByName('C_GramWeight').value := FC_GramWeight; FieldByName('C_Pattern').value := FC_Pattern; FieldByName('C_CustPattern').value := FC_CustPattern; FieldByName('C_ColorDepth').value := FC_ColorDepth; FieldByName('CIMachNo').Value := Trim(SCXFlag); Post; end; MCIID := Trim(maxno); FCIID := Trim(maxno); ////////////////// 保存疵点信息 ////////////////// with CDS_2 do begin First; while not Eof do begin if Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString) = '' then begin if not GetLSNo(ADOTmp, maxno, 'JC', 'Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw', 5, 1) then raise Exception.Create('获取疵点失败!'); end else begin maxno := Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString); end; with ADOCmd do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw '); sql.Add(' where CIFID=''' + Trim(maxno) + ''''); Open; end; with ADOCmd do begin if Trim(CDS_2.fieldbyname('CIFID').AsString) = '' then Append else Edit; RTSetSaveDataCDS(ADOCmd, Tv2, CDS_2, 'Dye_Cloth_Inspect_Flaw', 0); FieldByName('CIID').Value := Trim(MCIID); FieldByName('CIFID').Value := Trim(maxno); Post; end; CDS_2.Edit; CDS_2.FieldByName('CIID').Value := Trim(MCIID); CDS_2.FieldByName('CIFID').Value := Trim(maxno); Next; end; end; ////////////////// 保存疵点信息 ////////////////// /// ////////////////// 更新卷号疵点信息 ////////////////// with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Insp_Up @CIID=''' + trim(MCIID) + ''''); if FOperationStatus = '缸条码' then sql.Add(',@InspType=' + QuotedStr('流程卡')) else sql.Add(',@InspType=' + QuotedStr('单卷修改')); execsql; end; ////////////////// 更新卷号疵点信息 ////////////////// ////////////////// 更新进度 ////////////////// with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('insert into Dye_Need_Up(UType,UDataId,UOperation,UOperator,UModule,UDetails) '); sql.Add('values(''印染机台检验'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(FPCId)); sql.Add(',''删除'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(DName)); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(trim(self.Caption))); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(maxno)); sql.Add(') '); execsql; end; ////////////////// 更新进度 ////////////////// /// ADOCmd.Connection.CommitTrans; ////////////////// 出入库及库存 ////////////////// with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Insp_In_Stk @CIID=''' + trim(MCIID) + ''''); Open; end; if ADOCmd.FieldByName('intReturn').AsInteger = -1 then begin application.MessageBox(PChar(trim(ADOCmd.FieldByName('ShowMsg').AsString)), '提示信息', 0); Result := False; end else begin Result := True; end; ////////////////// 出入库及库存 ////////////////// except ADOCmd.Connection.RollbackTrans; application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); Result := False; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.BTPrintClick(Sender: TObject); var fPrintFile: string; mvalue: Double; i: Integer; begin edtScan.SetFocus; if CheckData('提交') = False then exit; if SaveData() then begin InputLen.Text := ''; InputWeight.Text := ''; Edit3.Text := '√'; Edit4.Text := ''; if Trim(Edit6.Text) = '√' then begin PrtData(FCIID); end; if Trim(edtaixun.Text) = '√' then begin PrtAiXunData(FCIID); end; end; InputLen.SetFocus; CIFBegClick(InputLen); FOperationStatus := '缸条码'; InitJYGrid(); InitCDGrid(''); FCIID := ''; btnDel.Enabled := True; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.PrtData(MCIID: string); var fPrintFile, FLBName: string; begin with ADOQueryPrint do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' EXEC P_Dye_Insp_Prt_Lab '); SQL.Add(' @CIID=''' + Trim(MCIID) + ''''); Open; end; if ADOQueryPrint.IsEmpty then begin application.MessageBox('标签内容未找到!', '提示信息', MB_ICONERROR); exit; end; FLBName := Trim(ADOQueryPrint.fieldbyname('LBName').AsString); ExportFtErpFile(FLBName + '.rmf', ADOTmp); fPrintFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Report\' + FLBName + '.rmf'; if FileExists(fPrintFile) then begin RM1.LoadFromFile(fPrintFile); RM1.DefaultCopies := strtointdef(trim(ComboBox1.Text), 1); RM1.PrintReport; end else begin Application.MessageBox(PChar('没有找' + fPrintFile), '提示', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var fsj: string; begin fsj := Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint); if Trim(fsj) = '' then Exit; if TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Name = 'KuangHao' then Exit; fsj := Trim(TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Text); TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Text := fsj + Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Caption); TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).SelectAll; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SpeedButton49Click(Sender: TObject); var Key: Char; begin Key := #13; if TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Name = 'edtScan' then begin edtScanKeyPress(edtScan, Key); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SpeedButton12Click(Sender: TObject); var fsj: string; begin fsj := Trim(TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Text); if Trim(fsj) = '' then Exit; TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).Text := Copy(fsj, 1, Length(fsj) - 1); TEdit(FindComponent(Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint))).SelectAll; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.SpeedButton13Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin if CheckData('疵点') = False then exit; FCIFName := Trim(TSpeedButton(Sender).Hint); MovePanel1.Visible := True; lblCIFName.Caption := Trim(FCIFName); //显示数字键盘 CIFBeg.Text := InputLen.Text; with Panel3 do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then begin TSpeedButton(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(CIFBeg.Name); end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.cxDBImage1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if TcxDBImage(Sender).Picture.Height = 0 then exit; LookImage(Qry_ImgHX.fieldbyname(TcxDBImage(Sender).Hint).asstring); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var mvalue: Double; begin if Trim(CIFBeg.Text) <> '' then begin if Trim(CIFEnd.Text) <> '' then begin if StrToFloat(CIFEnd.Text) < StrToFloat(CIFBeg.Text) then begin Application.MessageBox('疵点位置录入错误!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; end; end; if CIFQty.Text <> '' then begin if TryStrToFloat(CIFQty.Text, mvalue) = False then begin Application.MessageBox('非法数字!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; end; with CDS_2 do begin Append; if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex = 5 then FieldByName('CIFName').Value := '连续性' + Trim(FCIFName) else if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex = 4 then FieldByName('CIFName').Value := '整匹' + Trim(FCIFName) else FieldByName('CIFName').Value := Trim(FCIFName); FieldByName('CIFbeg').Value := Trim(CIFBeg.Text); FieldByName('CIFEnd').Value := Trim(CIFEnd.Text); FieldByName('CIFPoints').Value := 0; if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex > -1 then begin if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex < 3 then begin FieldByName('CIFPoints').Value := RadioGroup1.ItemIndex + 1; end else begin FieldByName('CIFPoints').Value := 4; end; end; FieldByName('CIFQty').Value := StrToFloatdef(trim(CIFQty.Text), 0); Post; end; CIFBeg.Text := ''; CIFEnd.Text := ''; CIFQty.Text := ''; MovePanel1.Visible := False; cxPageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.btnRKClick(Sender: TObject); var MINo, MStkIds, MPOSNO, MPCIDS: string; begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then exit; btnRK.Enabled := False; if CDS_3.Locate('CIIOFlag', '已入库', []) then begin Application.MessageBox('已有部分数据入库,请撤销后入库!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; if CDS_3.Locate('CIIOFlag', '已出库', []) then begin Application.MessageBox('已有部分数据出库,请撤销后入库!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; with CDS_3 do begin DisableControls; First; while not eof do begin if CDS_3.FieldByName('CIIOFlag').Value = '未入库' then begin MStkIds := MStkIds + Trim(CDS_3.FieldByName('CIID').AsString) + ','; MPCIDS := MPCIDS + Trim(CDS_3.FieldByName('PCID').AsString) + ','; end; next; end; EnableControls; end; MStkIds := copy(MStkIds, 1, Length(MStkIds) - 1); if GetLSNo(ADOCmd, MINo, '9', 'Dye_Cloth_IO', 4, 1) = False then begin Application.MessageBox('取入库单号失败!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; ADOCmd.Connection.BeginTrans; try with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('insert into Dye_Need_Up(UType,UDataId,UOperation,UOperator,UModule,UDetails) '); sql.Add('values(''印染成品入库'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(MPCIDS)); sql.Add(',''入库'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(DName)); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(trim(self.Caption))); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(MStkIds)); sql.Add(') '); execsql; end; with ADOCmd do begin Close; Sql.Clear; Sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Cloth_In '); Sql.Add('@StkIds=' + quotedstr(trim(MStkIds))); Sql.Add(',@IOTime=' + Quotedstr(FormatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd', SGetServerDate(ADOTmp)))); Sql.Add(',@IOType=' + Quotedstr('检验入库')); Sql.Add(',@IONO=' + Quotedstr(MINo)); Sql.Add(',@StkPosition=' + Quotedstr('')); Sql.Add(',@FillId=' + Quotedstr(DCode)); Sql.Add(',@Filler=' + Quotedstr(DName)); Open; end; if ADOCmd.FieldByName('intReturn').AsInteger = -1 then begin raise Exception.Create(pchar(trim(ADOCmd.FieldByName('ShowMsg').AsString))); end; ADOCmd.Connection.CommitTrans; application.MessageBox('数据入库成功!', '提示信息'); btnRK.Enabled := True; with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Card_PSC '); execsql; end; except btnRK.Enabled := True; ADOCmd.Connection.RollbackTrans; application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then exit; if Application.MessageBox('确定要重新打印吗?', '提示', 32 + 4) <> IDYES then Exit; try with ADOTmp do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' select * from Dye_Cloth_IO A where IOFlag=''入库'' '); SQL.Add(' and A.StkId=''' + trim(CDS_3.fieldbyName('CIID').AsString) + ''''); Open; end; PrtMD(ADOTmp.fieldbyName('IONo').AsString); except application.MessageBox('重新打印失败!', '提示信息', MB_ICONERROR); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.edtScanKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then begin if trim(edtScan.Text) = '' then exit; if pos('SM', edtScan.Text) = 0 then begin edtScan.Text := 'SM' + trim(edtScan.Text); end; if trim(edtScan.Text) = FPCId then exit; ClearGlobal(); FOperationStatus := '缸条码'; InitLCK(edtScan.Text); InitJYGrid(); InputLen.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.CIFBegClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin with Panel3 do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then begin TSpeedButton(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(TEdit(Sender).Name); end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.CIFEndChange(Sender: TObject); var mvalue: Double; begin if Trim(CIFBeg.Text) <> '' then begin if TryStrToFloat(CIFBeg.Text, mvalue) = False then begin Application.MessageBox('非法数字!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; end else begin Exit; end; if Trim(CIFEnd.Text) <> '' then begin if TryStrToFloat(CIFEnd.Text, mvalue) = False then begin Application.MessageBox('非法数字!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; end else begin Exit; end; CIFQty.Text := FloatToStr(StrToFloat(CIFEnd.Text) - StrToFloat(CIFBeg.Text)); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Edit3Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(Edit3.Text) = '' then begin Edit3.Text := '√'; Edit4.Text := ''; end else begin Edit3.Text := ''; Edit4.Text := '√'; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Edit4Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(Edit4.Text) = '' then begin Edit4.Text := '√'; Edit3.Text := ''; end else begin Edit4.Text := ''; Edit3.Text := '√'; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Edit6Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(Edit6.Text) = '' then begin Edit6.Text := '√'; end else begin Edit6.Text := ''; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.MinLenExit(Sender: TObject); begin SetINIFile(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.MJstr3KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then begin Key := #0; SelectNext(ActiveControl as TWinControl, True, True); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin RadioGroup1.ItemIndex := -1; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Panel6.Visible then Panel6.Visible := False else Panel6.Visible := True; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InputLenChange(Sender: TObject); begin QuantityConversion(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.InputWeightChange(Sender: TObject); begin QuantityConversion(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.edtScanClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin Panel3.Visible := True; with Panel3 do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then begin TSpeedButton(Controls[i]).Hint := Trim(TEdit(Sender).Name); end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.NetWeightKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then begin BTPrint.Click; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; IsCommopen := false; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.lblLenUnitClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(lblLenUnit.Caption) = 'M' then SetUnit('Y') else SetUnit('M'); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin MovePanel1.Visible := false; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then Exit; PrtData(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); begin try frmZDYHelp := TfrmZDYHelp.Create(Application); with frmZDYHelp do begin flag := 'WFBCD'; flagname := '疵点'; fnote := True; V1Note.Caption := '英文名称'; if ShowModal = 1 then begin Self.InitCDPanel(); end; end; finally frmZDYHelp.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.btnDelClick(Sender: TObject); begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then Exit; if Application.MessageBox('确定要删除数据吗?', '提示', 32 + 4) <> IDYES then Exit; ADOCmd.Connection.BeginTrans; try with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('insert into Dye_Need_Up(UType,UDataId,UOperation,UOperator,UModule,UDetails) '); sql.Add('values(''印染机台检验'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(Trim(CDS_3.fieldbyname('PCID').AsString))); sql.Add(',''删除'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(DName)); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(trim(self.Caption))); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(Trim(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString))); sql.Add(') '); execsql; end; with ADOCmd do begin Close; Sql.Clear; Sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Insp_Del '); Sql.Add('@CIIDS=' + quotedstr(Trim(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString))); Sql.Add(',@DCode=' + Quotedstr(DCode)); Sql.Add(',@DName=' + Quotedstr(DName)); Open; end; if ADOCmd.FieldByName('intReturn').AsInteger = -1 then begin raise Exception.Create(pchar(trim(ADOCmd.FieldByName('ShowMsg').AsString))); end; ADOCmd.Connection.CommitTrans; CDS_3.Delete; application.MessageBox('删除成功!', '提示信息'); except ADOCmd.Connection.RollbackTrans; application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject); begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then Exit; btnDel.Enabled := False; with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_IO where StkId=''' + Trim(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString) + ''' and IOFlag=''入库'''); Open; end; if not ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin Application.MessageBox('已产生入库数据不能删除!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; with ADOTmp do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Dye_Cloth_IO where StkId=''' + Trim(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString) + ''' and IOFlag=''出库'''); Open; end; if not ADOTmp.IsEmpty then begin Application.MessageBox('已产生出库数据不能删除!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; InitJTM(CDS_3.fieldbyname('CIID').AsString); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject); begin WriteCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv1', Tv1, '贸易检验管理'); WriteCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv2', Tv2, '贸易检验管理'); WriteCxGrid(trim(Self.Caption) + 'Tv3', Tv3, '贸易检验管理'); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.ToolButton8Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.btnCXRKClick(Sender: TObject); var MStkIds, MPCIDS: string; begin if CDS_3.IsEmpty then exit; btnCXRK.Enabled := False; with CDS_3 do begin DisableControls; First; while not eof do begin MStkIds := MStkIds + Trim(CDS_3.FieldByName('CIID').AsString) + ','; MPCIDS := MPCIDS + Trim(CDS_3.FieldByName('PCID').AsString) + ','; next; end; EnableControls; end; MStkIds := copy(MStkIds, 1, Length(MStkIds) - 1); try ADOCmd.Connection.BeginTrans; with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('insert into Dye_Need_Up(UType,UDataId,UOperation,UOperator,UModule,UDetails) '); sql.Add('values(''印染成品入库'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(MPCIDS)); sql.Add(',''撤销入库'' '); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(DName)); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(trim(self.Caption))); sql.Add(',' + quotedstr(MStkIds)); sql.Add(') '); execsql; end; with ADOCmd do begin Close; Sql.Clear; Sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Cloth_ReIn '); Sql.Add(' @StkIds=' + quotedstr(trim(MStkIds))); Sql.Add(',@IOIDS='''' '); Sql.Add(',@FillId=' + Quotedstr(DCode)); Sql.Add(',@Filler=' + Quotedstr(DName)); Open; end; if ADOCmd.FieldByName('intReturn').AsInteger = -1 then begin raise Exception.Create(pchar(trim(ADOCmd.FieldByName('ShowMsg').AsString))); end; application.MessageBox('撤销入库成功!', '提示信息'); ADOCmd.Connection.CommitTrans; btnCXRK.Enabled := True; with ADOCmd do begin Close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('exec P_Dye_Card_PSC '); execsql; end; except ADOCmd.Connection.RollbackTrans; btnCXRK.Enabled := True; application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.edtaixunClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(edtaixun.Text) = '' then begin edtaixun.Text := '√'; end else begin edtaixun.Text := ''; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.edtChenClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(TEdit(Sender).Text) = '' then begin TEdit(Sender).Text := '√'; end else begin TEdit(Sender).Text := ''; end; SetINIFile(); end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.edtYJClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Trim(TEdit(Sender).Text) = '' then begin TEdit(Sender).Text := '√'; end else begin TEdit(Sender).Text := ''; end; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button6Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ScrollBox1.Visible then ScrollBox1.Visible := False else ScrollBox1.Visible := True; end; procedure TfrmDyeMachInsp.Button8Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Panel7.Visible then Panel7.Visible := False else Panel7.Visible := True; end; end.