unit U_PictureUpload; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, strUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ToolWin, ExtCtrls, jpeg, IniFiles, ExtDlgs, Buttons, StdCtrls, DB, ADODB, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdFTP, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, System.ImageList, Vcl.ImgList; type TfrmPictureUpload = class(TForm) ScrollBox1: TScrollBox; Image1: TImage; OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog; Image2: TImage; SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton; ADOQuery1: TADOQuery; SaveDialog1: TSavePictureDialog; adoqueryImage: TADOQuery; IdFTP1: TIdFTP; ToolBar1: TToolBar; TBSave: TToolButton; TBClose: TToolButton; ToolButton1: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; ToolButton3: TToolButton; ToolButton4: TToolButton; ImageList1: TImageList; ADOConnection1: TADOConnection; procedure ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TwainTwainAcquire(Sender: TObject; const Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap; var Cancel: Boolean); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Initimage(); procedure TBCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TBSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); private hWndC: THandle; CapturingAVI: bool; ClickPos: TPoint; SelectedSource, PicLeft, PicTop, PicWidth, PicHeight: Integer; FilePath, FileName: string; MyJpeg: TJPEGImage; procedure CreThumb(Width, Height: Integer); function SaveImage(): Boolean; procedure Rotate90(Source: TGraphic; Target: TJpegImage); public FTFType, fFlileFlag: string; FWidth, FHeight: Integer; FPictureName, FDataId: string; { Public declarations } end; var frmPictureUpload: TfrmPictureUpload; implementation uses U_DataLink, U_RTFun; const WM_CAP_START = WM_USER; const WM_CAP_STOP = WM_CAP_START + 68; const WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT = WM_CAP_START + 10; const WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT = WM_CAP_START + 11; const WM_CAP_SAVEDIB = WM_CAP_START + 25; const WM_CAP_GRAB_FRAME = WM_CAP_START + 60; const WM_CAP_SEQUENCE = WM_CAP_START + 62; const WM_CAP_FILE_SET_CAPTURE_FILEA = WM_CAP_START + 20; const WM_CAP_SEQUENCE_NOFILE = WM_CAP_START + 63; const WM_CAP_SET_OVERLAY = WM_CAP_START + 51; const WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW = WM_CAP_START + 50; const WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_VIDEOSTREAM = WM_CAP_START + 6; const WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERROR = WM_CAP_START + 2; const WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_STATUSA = WM_CAP_START + 3; const WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_FRAME = WM_CAP_START + 5; const WM_CAP_SET_SCALE = WM_CAP_START + 53; const WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE = WM_CAP_START + 52; function capCreateCaptureWindowA(lpszWindowName: PCHAR; dwStyle: longint; x: integer; y: integer; nWidth: integer; nHeight: integer; ParentWin: HWND; nId: integer): HWND; stdcall external 'AVICAP32.DLL'; {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmPictureUpload.Rotate90(Source: TGraphic; Target: TJpegImage); var SourceBmp, TargetBmp: TBitmap; r, c: Integer; x, y: Integer; begin SourceBmp := TBitmap.Create; SourceBmp.Assign(Source); TargetBmp := TBitmap.Create; TargetBmp.Width := SourceBmp.Height; TargetBmp.Height := SourceBmp.Width; for r := 0 to SourceBmp.Height - 1 do begin for c := 0 to SourceBmp.Width - 1 do begin //x := (SourceBmp.Height-1) - r; // -90 //y := c; //-90 x := r; //90 y := (SourceBmp.Width - 1) - c; //90 // look into Bitmap.ScanLine for faster pixel access TargetBmp.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := SourceBmp.Canvas.Pixels[c, r]; end; end; Target.Assign(TargetBmp); SourceBmp.Free; TargetBmp.Free; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.Initimage(); var jpg: TJpegImage; myStream: TADOBlobStream; sFieldName: string; JPStream: TMemoryStream; begin jpg := TJpegImage.Create(); JPStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try with adoqueryImage do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from TP_File where WBID=' + quotedstr(trim(FDataId))); sql.Add('and TFType=' + quotedstr(trim(FTFType))); open; if not IsEmpty then begin if not fieldbyname('FilesOther').IsNull then begin myStream := tadoblobstream.Create(tblobfield(adoqueryImage.fieldbyname('FilesOther')), bmread); jpg.LoadFromStream(myStream); Image2.Picture.Assign(jpg); myStream.Free; try IdFTP1.Host := ReadINIFileStr('SYSTEMSET.INI', 'SERVER', '服务器地址', ''); IdFTP1.Username := 'three'; IdFTP1.Password := '641010'; IdFTP1.Connect(); except ; end; JPStream.Clear; if IdFTP1.Connected then begin try IdFTP1.Get(fFlileFlag + '\' + Trim(fieldbyname('FileName').AsString), JPStream); except Application.MessageBox('客户图样文件不存在', '提示', MB_ICONWARNING); IdFTP1.Quit; Exit; end; end else begin Application.MessageBox('无法连接文件服务器', '提示', MB_ICONWARNING); IdFTP1.Quit; Exit; end; if IdFTP1.Connected then IdFTP1.Quit; JPStream.Position := 0; jpg.LoadFromStream(JPStream); Image1.Picture.Assign(jpg); end; end; end; finally jpg.free; JPStream.Free; end; end; function TfrmPictureUpload.SaveImage(): Boolean; var myStream: TADOBlobStream; maxNo: string; fNewFileName: string; begin //取文件后缀 ExtractFileExt(FilePath) if FPictureName = '' then begin fNewFileName := formatdatetime('yyyyMMddhhnnsszzz', now()) + ExtractFileExt(FilePath); FPictureName := fNewFileName; end; if FDataId = '' then FDataId := FPictureName; result := false; try with adoqueryImage do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from TP_File where WBID=' + quotedstr(trim(FDataId))); sql.Add('and TFType=' + quotedstr(trim(FTFType))); open; if RecordCount <= 0 then begin Append; if GetLSNo(ADOQuery1, maxNo, 'FJ', 'TP_File', 4, 1) = False then begin Application.MessageBox('取最大号失败!', '提示', 0); Exit; end; fieldByName('TFID').AsString := maxNo; fieldByName('WBID').AsString := FDataId; end else begin edit; end; fieldByName('FileName').AsString := trim(FPictureName); fieldByName('Filler').AsString := trim(dName); fieldByName('TFType').AsString := trim(FTFType); myStream := TADOBlobStream.Create(TBlobField(FieldByName('FilesOther')), bmWrite); MyJpeg.Assign(Image2.Picture.Graphic); MyJpeg.SaveToStream(myStream); myStream.Free; Post; end; if FilePath <> '' then begin try IdFTP1.Host := ReadINIFileStr('SYSTEMSET.INI', 'SERVER', '服务器地址', ''); IdFTP1.Username := 'three'; IdFTP1.Password := '641010'; IdFTP1.Connect(); IdFTP1.Put(FilePath, fFlileFlag + '\' + Trim(FPictureName)); IdFTP1.Quit; except IdFTP1.Quit; Application.MessageBox('上传客户图样文件失败,请检查文件服务器!', '提示', MB_ICONWARNING); end; end; IdFTP1.Quit; result := true; except myStream.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.TBCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.TBSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SaveImage() then begin ModalResult := 1; end else begin application.MessageBox('数据保存失败!', '提示信息', 0) end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var Jpeg: TJPEGImage; begin if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then begin Image1.Top := 0; Image1.Left := 0; Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName); FilePath := OpenPictureDialog1.FileName; FileName := ExtractFileName(FilePath); // Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create; // Rotate90(Image1.Picture.Graphic, Jpeg); // Image1.Picture.Assign(Jpeg); // Jpeg.Free; CreThumb(FWidth, FHeight); TBSave.Enabled := TRUE; end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin try with adoqueryImage do begin close; sql.Clear; sql.Add('select * from TP_File where WBID=' + quotedstr(trim(FPictureName))); open; if RecordCount > 0 then begin edit; fieldByName('FileName').Value := null; FieldByName('FilesOther').Value := null; post; Image1.Picture.Assign(nil); Image2.Picture.Assign(nil); end; end; except end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); var MJPG: TJpegImage; pathFile: string; begin if Image1.Picture.Graphic = nil then exit; MJPG := TJpegImage.Create; try SaveDialog1.FileName := FileName; if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin if SaveDialog1.FileName <> '' then begin pathFile := trim(SaveDialog1.FileName); if (RightStr(UPPERCASE(pathFile), 4) <> '.JPG') and (RightStr(UPPERCASE(pathFile), 5) <> '.JPEG') then begin pathFile := pathFile + '.JPG'; end; MJPG.Assign(Image1.Picture.Graphic); if fileexists(pathFile) then begin if application.MessageBox(pchar('文件[' + trim(pathFile) + ']已存在,是否要替换它?'), '提示信息', MB_YESNO + mb_iconinformation + MB_DEFBUTTON2) = idyes then MJPG.SaveToFile(pathFile); end else MJPG.SaveToFile(pathFile); end; end; finally MJPG.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := 2; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.TwainTwainAcquire(Sender: TObject; const Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap; var Cancel: Boolean); begin Image1.Picture.Assign(Image); Cancel := TRUE; CreThumb(150, 150); TBSave.Enabled := TRUE; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var Ini: TIniFile; begin { Ini := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'scanner.ini'); try SelectedSource := Ini.ReadInteger( 'SCANNER', 'Scanner', 0); PicLeft := Ini.ReadInteger( 'SCANNER', 'Left', 0); PicTop := Ini.ReadInteger( 'SCANNER', 'Top', 0); PicWidth := Ini.ReadInteger( 'SCANNER', 'Width', 100); PicHeight := Ini.ReadInteger( 'SCANNER', 'Height', 100); finally Ini.Free; end; } Initimage(); end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.CreThumb(Width, Height: Integer); var Bitmap: TBitmap; Ratio: Double; ARect: TRect; AHeight, AHeightOffset: Integer; AWidth, AWidthOffset: Integer; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Ratio := Image1.Picture.Graphic.Width / Image1.Picture.Graphic.Height; if Ratio > 0.75 then begin AHeight := Round(Width / Ratio); AHeightOffset := (Height - AHeight) div 2; AWidth := Width; AWidthOffset := 0; end else begin AWidth := Round(Height * Ratio); AWidthOffset := (Width - AWidth) div 2; AHeight := Height; AHeightOffset := 0; end; Bitmap.Width := Width; Bitmap.Height := Height; Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); ARect := Rect(AWidthOffset, AHeightOffset, AWidth + AWidthOffset, AHeight + AHeightOffset); Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(ARect, Image1.Picture.Graphic); Image2.Picture.Assign(Bitmap); finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MyJpeg := TJpegImage.Create; TBSave.Enabled := false; if FWidth = 0 then FWidth := 197; if FHeight = 0 then FHeight := 110; try with ADOConnection1 do begin Connected := false; ConnectionString := DConString; Connected := true; end; // ADOQueryBaseCmd.Connection := ADOConnection1; // ADOQueryBaseTemp.Connection := ADOConnection1; except application.MessageBox('网络连接失败!', '提示信息'); end; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin // MyJpeg1.Free; MyJpeg.Free; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin ClickPos.x := X; ClickPos.y := Y; end; procedure TfrmPictureUpload.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var NewPos: TPoint; begin {The left button was pressed} if ssLeft in Shift then begin {Calculate new position} NewPos.X := Image1.Left + X - ClickPos.x; NewPos.Y := Image1.Top + Y - ClickPos.y; if NewPos.x + Image1.Width < ScrollBox1.Width then NewPos.x := ScrollBox1.Width - Image1.Width; if NewPos.y + Image1.Height < ScrollBox1.Height then NewPos.y := ScrollBox1.Height - Image1.Height; if NewPos.X > 0 then NewPos.X := 0; if NewPos.Y > 0 then NewPos.Y := 0; Image1.Top := NewPos.Y; Image1.Left := NewPos.X; end {if ssLeft in Shift} end; end.