unit U_PrintLabFun; interface uses ADODB, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Forms; procedure PrintServerLabel(ADO_Prt: TADOQuery; mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter: Integer; FFiltration1: string); procedure PrintServerLabelStkId(ADO_Prt: TADOQuery; mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter: Integer; FFiltration1: string); implementation uses U_printPdf, U_RTFun, U_DataLink; procedure PrintServerLabel(ADO_Prt: TADOQuery; mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter: Integer; FFiltration1: string); var MaxBLCLID, LBName: string; WBoolean: Boolean; i: Integer; Mmessage, MpdfFileId, Mcode: string; begin with ADO_Prt do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' EXEC P_Trade_Card_Prt1 '); SQL.Add(' @Filtration=''' + Trim(FFiltration1) + ''''); Open; end; if ADO_Prt.IsEmpty then begin raise Exception.Create('标签内容未找到!'); end; LBName := Trim(ADO_Prt.fieldbyname('LabVolume').AsString); try if GetLSNo(ADO_Prt, MaxBLCLID, 'L', 'Bs_Report_Cloud_Log', 4, 1) = False then begin end; with ADO_Prt do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Bs_Report_Cloud_Log where 1=2'); Open; end; with ADO_Prt do begin Append; FieldByName('BLCLID').Value := MaxBLCLID; FieldByName('Filler').Value := dname; FieldByName('LMName').Value := LBName; FieldByName('LMSql1').Value := 'P_Trade_Card_Prt1'; FieldByName('Filtration1').Value := Trim(FFiltration1); FieldByName('IsSql1').Value := 0; FieldByName('Sheets').Value := mSheets; Post; end; printPdf(Application, 1, PChar('title'), PChar(dcode), PChar(dname), PChar(MaxBLCLID), mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter, PChar(DConString)); except application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; procedure PrintServerLabelStkId(ADO_Prt: TADOQuery; mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter: Integer; FFiltration1: string); var MaxBLCLID, LBName: string; WBoolean: Boolean; i: Integer; Mmessage, MpdfFileId, Mcode: string; begin with ADO_Prt do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(' EXEC P_Trade_Cloth_Prt_Lab '); SQL.Add(' @Filtration=''' + Trim(FFiltration1) + ''''); Open; end; if ADO_Prt.IsEmpty then begin raise Exception.Create('标签内容未找到!'); end; LBName := Trim(ADO_Prt.fieldbyname('LabVolume').AsString); try if GetLSNo(ADO_Prt, MaxBLCLID, 'L', 'Bs_Report_Cloud_Log', 4, 1) = False then begin end; with ADO_Prt do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add('select * from Bs_Report_Cloud_Log where 1=2'); Open; end; with ADO_Prt do begin Append; FieldByName('BLCLID').Value := MaxBLCLID; FieldByName('Filler').Value := dname; FieldByName('LMName').Value := LBName; FieldByName('LMSql1').Value := 'P_Trade_Cloth_Prt_Lab'; FieldByName('Filtration1').Value := Trim(FFiltration1); FieldByName('IsSql1').Value := 0; FieldByName('Sheets').Value := mSheets; Post; end; printPdf(Application, 1, PChar('title'), PChar(dcode), PChar(dname), PChar(MaxBLCLID), mSheets, mprintFlag, mprinter, PChar(DConString)); except application.MessageBox(PChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message), '提示信息', 0); end; end; end.